kronos 0.1.0

tools to manipulate time expressions


Kronos is a crate to build time iterators. See examples below.


A Range is an open-ended time interval [start, end) that defines some concrete time. Ranges have an accompanying grain that specifies the resolution of the start and end instants defining the time range.

Example of a Range could be Aug 26th 2018.

  • It has a resolution of Grain::Day,
  • starts on 2018/08/26 00:00:00,
  • ends on 2018/08/27 00:00:00 (open ended means this instant is not included).


Grains are used either to build time sequences or to inform of resolution of Range elements.


Any type that implements TimeSequence can be used to emit Range elements into the future or the past taking some t0 as a reference starting instant.

There are multiple ways to create a time-sequence:

  • Weekday(1) creates a sequence for Mondays.
  • Month(6) creates a sequence for June.
  • NthOf(2, Weekday(1), Month(6)) creates a sequence for "the 2nd Mondays of June".
  • LastOf(1, Weekend, Grains(Grain::Year)) for "last weekend of the year".
  • Intersect(Weekday(1), NthOf(28, Grains(Grain::Day), Grains(Grains::Month))) for "all Monday 28th".

Once you have a TimeSequence you can use it to emit actual Ranges. For Example:

let day2 = NthOf(2, Grains(Grain::Day), Grains(Grain::Month));
let third_hour_of_2nd_day = NthOf(3, Grains(Grain::Hour), day2);

let t0 = types::Date::from_ymd(2018, 6, 18).and_hms(0, 0, 0);
let mut future = third_hour_of_2nd_day.future(&t0);

