konst 0.2.8

Compile-time comparison, parsing, and other const functionality

Compile-time comparison, parsing, and const equivalents of std methods.


This crate provides:

  • Compile-time parsing through the [Parser] type, and [parse_any] macro.

  • Functions for comparing many standard library types, with the [const_eq]/[const_eq_for]/[const_cmp]/[const_cmp_for] macros for more conveniently calling them, powered by the [polymorphism] module.

  • Const fn equivalents of other standard library functions and methods.


Parsing an enum

This example demonstrates how you can parse a simple enum from an environment variable, at compile-time.

use konst::eq_str;
use konst::{unwrap_opt_or, unwrap_ctx};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Direction {

impl Direction {
const fn try_parse(input: &str) -> Result<Self, ParseDirectionError> {
// As of Rust 1.51.0, string patterns don't work in const contexts
match () {
_ if eq_str(input, "forward") => Ok(Direction::Forward),
_ if eq_str(input, "backward") => Ok(Direction::Backward),
_ if eq_str(input, "left") => Ok(Direction::Left),
_ if eq_str(input, "right") => Ok(Direction::Right),
_ => Err(ParseDirectionError),

const CHOICE: &str = unwrap_opt_or!(option_env!("chosen-direction"), "forward");

const DIRECTION: Direction = unwrap_ctx!(Direction::try_parse(CHOICE));

fn main() {
Direction::Forward => assert_eq!(CHOICE, "forward"),
Direction::Backward => assert_eq!(CHOICE, "backward"),
Direction::Left => assert_eq!(CHOICE, "left"),
Direction::Right => assert_eq!(CHOICE, "right"),
# #[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
# pub struct ParseDirectionError;
# use std::fmt::{self, Display};
# impl Display for ParseDirectionError {
#   fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
#       f.write_str("Failed to parse a Direction")
#   }
# }
# impl ParseDirectionError {
#    const fn panic(&self) -> ! {
#        [/*failed to parse a Direction*/][0]
#    }
# }

Parsing integers

You can parse integers using the parse_* functions in [primitive], returning an Err(ParseIntError{...}) if the string as a whole isn't a valid integer.

use konst::{ primitive::{ParseIntResult, parse_i128}, result::unwrap_ctx, };

const N_100: ParseIntResult = parse_i128("100"); assert_eq!(N_100, Ok(100));

const N_N3: ParseIntResult = parse_i128("-3"); assert_eq!(N_N3, Ok(-3));

// This is how you can unwrap integers parsed from strings, at compile-time. const N_100_UNW: i128 = unwrap_ctx!(parse_i128("1337")); assert_eq!(N_100_UNW, 1337);

const NONE: ParseIntResult = parse_i128("-"); assert!(NONE.is_err());

const PAIR: ParseIntResult = parse_i128("1,2"); assert!(PAIR.is_err());

For parsing an integer inside a larger string,
you can use [`Parser::parse_u128`] method and the other `parse_*` methods

use konst::{Parser, unwrap_ctx};

const PAIR: (i64, u128) = {;
let parser = Parser::from_str("1365;6789");

// Parsing "1365"
let (l, parser) = unwrap_ctx!(parser.parse_i64());

// Skipping the ";"
let parser = unwrap_ctx!(parser.strip_prefix(";"));

// Parsing "6789"
let (r, parser) = unwrap_ctx!(parser.parse_u128());

(l, r)
assert_eq!(PAIR.0, 1365);
assert_eq!(PAIR.1, 6789);

Parsing a struct

This example demonstrates how you can use [Parser] to parse a struct at compile-time.

use konst::{ parsing::{Parser, ParseValueResult}, for_range, parse_any, try_rebind, unwrap_ctx, };

const PARSED: Struct = { // You can also parse strings from environment variables, or from an include_str!(....) let input = "
1000, circle, red, blue, green, blue, ";

unwrap_ctx!(parse_struct(Parser::from_str(input))).0 };

fn main(){ assert_eq!( PARSED, Struct{ amount: 1000, repeating: Shape::Circle, colors: [Color::Red, Color::Blue, Color::Green, Color::Blue], } ); }

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Struct { pub amount: usize, pub repeating: Shape, pub colors: [Color; 4], }

#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Shape { Circle, Square, Line, }

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Color { Red, Blue, Green, }

pub const fn parse_struct(mut parser: Parser<'>) -> ParseValueResult<', Struct> { try_rebind!{(let amount, parser) = parser.trim_start().parse_usize()} try_rebind!{parser = parser.strip_prefix(",")}

try_rebind!{(let repeating, parser) = parse_shape(parser.trim_start())} try_rebind!{parser = parser.strip_prefix(",")}

try_rebind!{(let colors, parser) = parse_colors(parser.trim_start())}

Ok((Struct{amount, repeating, colors}, parser)) }

pub const fn parse_shape(mut parser: Parser<'>) -> ParseValueResult<', Shape> { let shape = parse_any!{parser, strip_prefix; "circle" => Shape::Circle, "square" => Shape::Square, "line" => Shape::Line, _ => return Err(parser.into_other_error()) }; Ok((shape, parser)) }

pub const fn parse_colors(mut parser: Parser<'>) -> ParseValueResult<', [Color; 4]> { let mut colors = [Color::Red; 4];

for_range!{i in 0..4 => try_rebind!{(colors[i], parser) = parse_color(parser.trim_start())} try_rebind!{parser = parser.strip_prefix(",")} }

Ok((colors, parser)) }

pub const fn parse_color(mut parser: Parser<'>) -> ParseValueResult<', Color> { let color = parse_any!{parser, strip_prefix; "red" => Color::Red, "blue" => Color::Blue, "green" => Color::Green, _ => return Err(parser.into_other_error()) }; Ok((color, parser)) }

# Cargo features

These are the features of these crates:

- `"cmp"`(enabled by default):
Enables all comparison functions and macros,
the string equality and ordering comparison functions don't require this feature.

- `"parsing"`(enabled by default):
Enables the `"parsing_no_proc"` feature, compiles the `konst_proc_macros` dependency,
and enables the [`parse_any`] macro.
You can use this feature instead of `"parsing_no_proc"` if the slightly longer
compile times aren't a problem.

- `"parsing_no_proc"`(enabled by default):
Enables the [`parsing`] module (for parsing from `&str` and `&[u8]`),
the `primitive::parse_*` functions, `try_rebind`, and `rebind_if_ok` macros.

- `"constant_time_slice"`(disabled by default):<br>
Requires Rust nightly.
Improves the performance of slice functions that split slices,
from taking linear time to taking constant time.
<br>Note that only functions which mention this feature in their documentation are affected.

- `"const_generics"` (disabled by default):
Requires Rust 1.51.0.
Enables items that require const generics,
and impls for arrays to use const generics instead of only supporting small arrays.

- `alloc"`:
Enables items that use types from the [`alloc`] crate, including `Vec` and `String`.

- `"deref_raw_in_fn"` (disabled by default):
Requires Rust nightly. Enables `const fn`s that need to dereference raw pointers.

- `"mut_refs"`(disabled by default):
Enables const functions that take mutable references.
Use this whenever mutable references in const contexts are stabilized.
Also enables the `"deref_raw_in_fn"` feature.

- `"nightly_mut_refs"`(disabled by default):
Enables the `"mut_refs"` feature. Requires Rust nightly.

# No-std support

`konst` is `#![no_std]`, it can be used anywhere Rust can be used.

# Minimum Supported Rust Version

`konst` requires Rust 1.46.0, because it uses looping an branching in const contexts.

Features that require newer versions of Rust, or the nightly compiler,
need to be explicitly enabled with cargo features.

[`alloc`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/alloc/
[`const_eq`]: ./macro.const_eq.html
[`const_eq_for`]: ./macro.const_eq_for.html
[`const_cmp`]: ./macro.const_cmp.html
[`const_cmp_for`]: ./macro.const_cmp_for.html
[`polymorphism`]: ./polymorphism/index.html
[`parsing`]: ./parsing/index.html
[`primitive`]: ./primitive/index.html
[`parse_any`]: macro.parse_any.html
[`Parser`]: ./parsing/struct.Parser.html
[`Parser::parse_u128`]: ./parsing/struct.Parser.html#method.parse_u128