keyring-lib 0.4.0

High-level API for keyring-rs, a cross-platform library to manage secrets failed to build keyring-lib-0.4.0
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Visit the last successful build: keyring-lib-0.3.2

🔐 keyring-lib

Manage credentials using OS-specific keyrings: Secret Service on Linux, Security Framework on MacOS and Security Credentials on Windows.

This library aims to be a High-level API for keyring, a cross-platform library to manage credentials, and can be seen as a convenient wrapper around it:

  • Made the lib async using tokio.
  • Simplified cargo features: tokio by default, tokio-openssl, async-io and async-io-openssl available.
  • Added the cargo feature serde that enables serialization and deserialization of a keyring entry from and to a String.
  • Changed the way the service name is declared: instead of declaring it everytime you declare a keyring entry, you just need to declare it once at the beginning of you program, using the function keyring::set_global_service_name.
  • Added new function find_secret that returns a Result<Option<String>>.
  • Enabled logging using the log crate.
  • Added keyring cache based on the linux keyutils keyring (only works on Linux machines).

See the full API documentation and some examples.

use keyring::{set_global_service_name, KeyringEntry};

async fn main() {
    // define the global keyring service name once

    // create a keyring entry from a key string
    let entry = KeyringEntry::try_new("key").unwrap();

	// define a secret

	// get a secret

	// find a secret

	// deletea secret


The development environment is managed by Nix. Running nix-shell will spawn a shell with everything you need to get started with the lib: cargo, cargo-watch, rust-bin, rust-analyzer

# Start a Nix shell
$ nix-shell

# then build the lib
$ cargo build -p keyring-lib


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Special thanks to the NLnet foundation and the European Commission that helped the project to receive financial support from:

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