keyboard-types 0.4.3

Contains types to define keyboard related events.
Build #1265822018-11-11T20:37:17.438718+00:00
# rustc version
rustc 1.31.0-nightly (78ff609d7 2018-10-19)# version
cratesfyi 0.6.0 (c695234 2018-11-02)# build log
Updating index
Downloading crates ...
Downloaded keyboard-types v0.4.3
Fresh unicode-xid v0.1.0
Fresh unicode-segmentation v1.2.1
Fresh bitflags v1.0.4
Compiling proc-macro2 v0.4.22
Running `rustc --crate-name proc_macro2 /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --color never --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,link -C debuginfo=2 --cfg 'feature="default"' --cfg 'feature="proc-macro"' -C metadata=06c374f217b92d71 -C extra-filename=-06c374f217b92d71 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern unicode_xid=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libunicode_xid-83ea6a50d639627d.rlib --cap-lints allow --cfg u128 --cfg use_proc_macro --cfg wrap_proc_macro --cfg super_unstable`
error[E0599]: no method named `source_file` found for type `&stable::Span` in the current scope
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
494 |             Span::Stable(s) => SourceFile::Stable(s.source_file()),
|                                                     ^^^^^^^^^^^

error[E0599]: no method named `start` found for type `&stable::Span` in the current scope
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
506 |                 let stable::LineColumn { line, column } = s.start();
|                                                             ^^^^^
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
= note: the following trait defines an item `start`, perhaps you need to implement it:
candidate #1: `arrayvec::range::RangeArgument`

error[E0599]: no method named `end` found for type `&stable::Span` in the current scope
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
520 |                 let stable::LineColumn { line, column } = s.end();
|                                                             ^^^
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
= note: the following traits define an item `end`, perhaps you need to implement one of them:
candidate #1: `syntax::print::pprust::PrintState`
candidate #2: `arrayvec::range::RangeArgument`

error[E0599]: no method named `join` found for type `&stable::Span` in the current scope
--> /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/
530 |             (Span::Stable(a), Span::Stable(b)) => Span::Stable(a.join(b)?),
|                                                                  ^^^^
= help: items from traits can only be used if the trait is implemented and in scope
= note: the following traits define an item `join`, perhaps you need to implement one of them:
candidate #1: `std::slice::SliceConcatExt`
candidate #2: `rustc_data_structures::bit_set::BitSetOperator`

error: aborting due to 4 previous errors

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0599`.
thread 'main' panicked at 'ProcessError { desc: "process didn\'t exit successfully: `rustc --crate-name proc_macro2 /home/cratesfyi/.cargo/registry/src/ --color never --crate-type lib --emit=dep-info,link -C debuginfo=2 --cfg \'feature=\"default\"\' --cfg \'feature=\"proc-macro\"\' -C metadata=06c374f217b92d71 -C extra-filename=-06c374f217b92d71 --out-dir /home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps -L dependency=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps --extern unicode_xid=/home/cratesfyi/cratesfyi/debug/deps/libunicode_xid-83ea6a50d639627d.rlib --cap-lints allow --cfg u128 --cfg use_proc_macro --cfg wrap_proc_macro --cfg super_unstable` (exit code: 1)", exit: Some(ExitStatus(ExitStatus(256))), output: None }

Could not compile `proc-macro2`.', src/bin/
note: Run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` for a backtrace.