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KAS, the toolKit Abstraction System, is a general-purpose GUI toolkit.


For details, see the Examples README.

Calculator Dynamic Clock Gallery Splitter Mandlebrot

Goals and status

Goals of the project and current status are:

  • Fully-functional, intuitive GUIs
  • Support stand-alone and embedded GUIs (only stand-alone is functional)
  • Support GPU-accelerated and CPU-only draw backends (only GPU-accelerated is functional)
  • Custom widgets in user code with high- and low-level draw APIs and raw backend access (fully functional)
  • Scalable to huge numbers of widgets (partially realised: the dynamic example can run with >1'000'000 widgets but with some delays)
  • Concise, expressive specification within code (partially realised via macros which push Rust to its limits)
  • User-customisable (supports themes and colour schemes)
  • Desktop integration (not yet realised)

Rustc version

KAS is compatible with stable rustc. Using nightly Rust is advantageous:

  • Proceedural macros emit better diagnostics. In some cases, diagnostics are missed without nightly rustc, hence nightly is recommended for development.
  • The make_widget! macro will require nightly Rust until the proc_macro_hygiene feature is complete. Usage of this macro is optional; most examples do so for convenience.
  • A few other minor features are nightly-only. See feature flags documentation below and in other crates' READMEs.

Code stability

KAS is young and incomplete, yet has a reasonably robust core framework. Users should expect breaking changes when upgrading from one release to the next.

The draw APIs saw a big overhaul in version 0.3, but may well need further revision. Text APIs are currently just placeholders. There is no translation support, persistent configuration or desktop integration.

The widget traits, macros and, event model have seen significant changes in 0.4. These will be extended in the future but hopefully only minor breaking changes will be needed.


  • Persistent widgets with embedded state
  • Simple ownership model (no persistent pointers into widget state)
  • Type-safe user-defined event handlers
  • Robust event handling model
  • Extensive support for keyboard and touch-screen control
  • Disabled and error states for widgets
  • Scalable (HiDPI) supporting fractional scaling
  • Theme API, simple draw API and raw graphics access
  • Automatic widget layout including grids with spans and width-for-height sizing

Missing features

These aren't here yet!

  • Text clipping
  • Text editing (currently only very basic support)
  • Raster graphics
  • Flow-box layouts

Installation and dependencies

Currently, KAS's only drawing method is WebGPU, which requires DirectX 11/12, Vulkan or Metal. In the future, there may be support for OpenGL and software rendering.

If you haven't already, install Rust, including the nightly channel (rustup toolchain install nightly). Either make nightly the default (rustup default nightly) or use cargo +nightly ... below.

A few other dependencies may require installation, depending on the system. On Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install build-essential git cmake libxcb-shape0-dev libxcb-xfixes0-dev

Next, clone the repository and run the examples as follows:

git clone
cd kas
cargo test
cd kas-wgpu
cargo test
cargo run --example gallery


  • kas: the core of the GUI library, providing most interfaces and logic along with a selection of common widgets
  • kas-macros: a helper crate providing the procedural macros used by kas
  • kas-theme: theming support for KAS (API plus a couple of standard themes, at least for now)
  • kas-wgpu: provides windowing via winit and rendering via wgpu
  • kas-widgets: (unrealised) - providing extra widgets
  • kas-graphs: (unrealised) - plotting widgets

A user depends on kas to write their complete UI specification, and then pastes a few lines of code to initialise kas_wgpu::Toolkit, choose a theme, add window(s), and run the UI.

Feature flags

The kas crate has the following feature flags:

  • internal_doc: turns on some extra documentation intended for internal usage but not for end users. (This only affects documentation.)
  • nightly: enables new_uninit feature to support cloning of Box<dyn Handler> objects
  • winit: adds compatibility code for winit's event and geometry types. This is currently the only functional windowing/event library.
  • stack_dst: some compatibility impls (see kas-theme's documentation)

Copyright and Licence

The COPYRIGHT file includes a list of contributors who claim copyright on this project. This list may be incomplete; new contributors may optionally add themselves to this list.

The KAS library is published under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of this licence from the LICENSE file or on the following webpage: