[][src]Module kas::macros

Library macros

This documentation is provided as a reference. The macros may be easier to understand from the example apps provided with kas-wgpu.

This module provides two important macros:

Note that these macros are defined in the external crate, kas-macros, only because procedural macros must be defined in a special crate. The kas-macros crate should not be used directly.

Note further that these macros require gated functionality only available in nightly rustc builds:


The derive(Widget) macro

The Widget trait requires the base traits WidgetCore and Layout be implemented; additionally, widgets should implement Handler. This macro can generate implementations for all of these traits or only for WidgetCore as required.

For parent widgets, the make_widget macro is even more concise.

Type attributes

This derive attribute may only be used on structs. Example:

use kas::macros::Widget;
use kas::event::{Handler, VoidMsg};
use kas::{CoreData, LayoutData, Widget};

#[handler(generics = <> where W: Handler<Msg = VoidMsg>)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Widget)]
struct WrapperWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[core] core: CoreData,
    #[widget] child: W,


If the #[widget] attribute is present, the Widget trait is derived (with default method implementations).


If the #[layout(..)] attribute is present, the Layout trait is derived. Derivation is only supported for parent widgets.

The following attribute parameters are expected:

  • (first position): one of single, horizontal, vertical, grid
  • (optional): frame
  • (optional): area=FIELD where FIELD is a child widget; if specified, the area of self is considered to refer to child FIELD. This causes the kas::Layout::find_id function to directly return the child's Id.

Child widgets are arranged as specified by the first parameter:

  • single — the widget wraps a single child, with no border or margin
  • vertical — child widgets are arranged in a vertical column, in order of child fields
  • horizontal — child widgets are arranged in a horizontal row, in order of child fields
  • grid — child widgets are arranged in a grid; position is specified via parameters to the #[widget] attribute on child fields

If the frame parameter is given, a frame is drawn around child widgets.

Derivation of Layout for non-single layouts requires a data storage field as follows; for the single layout this field is optional:

#[layout_data] layout_data: <Self as kas::LayoutData>::Data,

This field is supports Default and Clone, thus may be constructed with layout_data: Default::default(). (Note: the LayoutData trait is also implemented by this macro.)


If one or more #[handler] attributes are present, then the Handler trait is implemented (potentially multiple times with different substitutions of generic parameters). This attribute accepts the following arguments:

  • (optional) msg = TYPE — the Handler::Msg associated type; if not specified, this type defaults to kas::event::VoidMsg
  • (optional) substitutions = TUPLE — a tuple of subsitutions for type generics, for example: (T1 = MyType, T2 = some::other::Type)
  • (optional): generics = < X, Y, ... > where CONDS (where CONDS is optional, and if present must be the last argument)

Commonly the Handler implementation requires extra bounds on generic types, and sometimes also additional type parameters; the generics argument allows this. This argument is optional and if present must be the last argument. Note that the generic types and bounds given are added to the generics defined on the struct itself.

If you need to substitute generic parameters on the struct with concrete types for the Handler implementation, use the substitutions argument. Be aware that this behaviour is a hack which only supports type generics on parameters without where clause constraints. (Note that ideally we would use equality constraints in where predicates instead of adding special parameter substitution support, but type equality constraints are not supported by Rust yet: #20041.)


One struct field with specification #[core] core: CoreData is required. When deriving layouts a #[layout_data] field is also required (see above).

Other fields may be child widgets or simply data fields. Those with a #[widget] attribute are interpreted as child widgets, affecting the implementation of derived WidgetCore, Layout and Handler methods.

The #[widget] attribute accepts several parameters affecting both layout and event-handling. All are optional.

The first four affect positioning are only used by the grid layout:

  • col = ... — grid column, from left (defaults to 0)
  • row = ... — grid row, from top (defaults to 0)
  • cspan = ... — number of columns to span (defaults to 1)
  • rspan = ... — number of rows to span (defaults to 1)

These two affect alignment in the case that a widget finds itself within a cell larger than its ideal size. Application of alignment is determined by the child widget's implementation of Layout::set_rect, which may simply ignore these alignment hints.

  • halign = ... — one of begin, centre, end, stretch
  • valign = ... — one of begin, centre, end, stretch

Finally, a parent widget may handle event-responses from a child widget (see Handler). The parent widget should implement a utility method with signautre fn f(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, msg: M) -> R where M is the type Handler::Msg in the child widget's implementation, then reference this method:

  • handler = f — the name f of a utility method defined on this type

If there is no handler parameter, the child widget's Handler::Msg type should convert into the parent's Handler::Msg type via From.


A simple example is included above. The example below includes multiple children and custom event handling.

use kas::event::{Handler, Manager, VoidResponse, VoidMsg};
use kas::macros::Widget;
use kas::widget::Label;
use kas::{CoreData, LayoutData, Widget};

enum ChildMessage { A }

#[handler(generics = <> where W: Handler<Msg = ChildMessage>)]
#[derive(Debug, Widget)]
struct MyWidget<W: Widget> {
    #[core] core: CoreData,
    #[layout_data] layout_data: <Self as LayoutData>::Data,
    #[widget] label: Label,
    #[widget(handler = handler)] child: W,

impl<W: Widget> MyWidget<W> {
    fn handler(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, msg: ChildMessage) -> VoidResponse {
        match msg {
            ChildMessage::A => { println!("handling ChildMessage::A"); }

The make_widget macro

This macro allows easy creation of "layout" widgets (those whose purpose is to house one or more child widgets) by introducing syntax for a struct literal and adding the additional fields and implementations required by all widgets.

Syntax is similar to a Rust type definition, but with most of the types and identifiers omitted. It's easiest to study an example:

#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
enum Item {
let widget = make_widget! {
    #[handler(msg = VoidMsg)]
    struct {
        #[widget] _ = Label::from("Widget Gallery"),
        #[widget(handler = activations)] _ = inner_widgets,
        last_item: Item = Item::Button,
    impl {
        fn activations(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager, item: Item)
            -> VoidResponse
            match item {
                Item::Button => println!("Clicked!"),
                Item::Check(b) => println!("Checkbox: {}", b),
            self.last_item = item;

Struct and fields

Starting from the middle, we have a struct definition, though two things are unusual here: (1) the type is anonymous (unnamed), and (2) fields are simultaneously given both type and value.

Field specifications can get more unusual too, since both the field name and the field type are optional. For example, all of the following are equivalent:

#[widget] l1: Label = Label::new("label 1"),
#[widget] _: Label = Label::new("label 2"),
#[widget] l3 = Label::new("label 3"),
#[widget] _ = Label::new("label 4"),

Omitting field names is fine, so long as you don't need to refer to them. Omitting types, however, comes at a small cost: Rust does not support fields of unspecified types, thus this must be emulated with generics. The macro deals with the necessary type arguments to implementations, however macro expansions (as sometimes seen in error messages) are ugly and, perhaps worst of all, the field will have opaque type (making methods and inner fields inaccessible). The latter can be partially remedied via trait bounds:

#[widget] display: impl HasText = EditBox::new("editable"),


Now, back to the example above, we see attributes and an impl block:

let widget = make_widget! {
    #[handler(msg = VoidMsg)]
    struct {
    impl {
        fn on_tick(&mut self, mgr: &mut Manager) {

Attributes may be applied to the anonymous struct like normal, with two exceptions:

  1. #[derive(Clone, Debug, kas::macros::Widget)] is implied
  2. #[handler(msg = ..)] is required and most only have an msg parameter

impl blocks work like usual except that the struct name and type parameters are omitted. Traits may also be implemented this way:

impl Trait { ... }



use kas::macros::{make_widget};
use kas::widget::TextButton;

#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
enum OkCancel {

let button_box = make_widget!{
    #[handler(msg = OkCancel)]
    struct {
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Ok", OkCancel::Ok),
        #[widget] _ = TextButton::new("Cancel", OkCancel::Cancel),

The derive(VoidMsg) macro

This macro implements From<VoidMsg> for the given type (see VoidMsg).


use kas::macros::VoidMsg;

enum MyMessage { A, B };



Macro to create a widget with anonymous type

Derive Macros


Macro to derive From<VoidMsg>


Macro to derive widget traits