Crate juniper_actix[][src]

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This repository contains the actix web server integration for Juniper, a GraphQL implementation for Rust, its inspired and some parts are copied from juniper_warp


For documentation, including guides and examples, check out Juniper.

A basic usage example can also be found in the API documentation.


Check examples/actix_server for example code of a working actix server with GraphQL handlers.


This project is under the BSD-2 license.

Check the LICENSE file for details.


Actix GraphQL Handler for GET requests

Create a handler that replies with an HTML page containing GraphiQL. This does not handle routing, so you can mount it on any endpoint

Actix Web GraphQL Handler for GET and POST requests

Create a handler that replies with an HTML page containing GraphQL Playground. This does not handle routing, so you cant mount it on any endpoint.

Actix GraphQL Handler for POST requests