json-resp-derive 0.1.1

A utility to generate easy json response/errors
# Json-resp

This crate provides a success and an error response for Apis, with utilities and macros to ease the generation
of responses and openapi docs(with `openapi` feature).(Only axum supported right now)

Check out the examples for full explanation.

## Success

The success response looks like:

    "status": 200,
    "content": C, // C should implement serde::Serialize
    "meta": M // M should implement serde::Serialize

And can be produces with builder pattern:


## Errors

The error response looks like:

    "status": 404,
    "code": "error code here",
    "hint": "do something", // Optional
    "content": C // C should implement serde::Serialize

And can be produces with a derive macro, openapi docs will be generated too.

enum MyAppErrors{
    // status can be either a number or http::StatusCode
    #[json_error(request, status=StatusCode::NOT_FOUND, code="does-not-exist", hint="some hint")]

    #[json_error(request, status=409, code="does-not-exist")]


And just use it in your handlers:

async fn my_handler() -> Result<MyResponse, MyAppErrors>{