Crate jlrs

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jlrs is a crate that provides access to the Julia C API. It can be used to embed Julia in Rust applications and to write interop libraries to Rust crates that can be used by Julia.

Julia versions 1.6 up to and including 1.11 are supported, but only the LTS and stable versions are actively tested. Using the current stable version of Julia is highly recommended. The minimum supported Rust version is currently 1.77.


An incomplete list of features that are currently supported by jlrs:

  • Access arbitrary Julia modules and their content.
  • Call Julia functions, including functions that take keyword arguments.
  • Handle exceptions or convert them to an error message, optionally with color.
  • Include and call your own Julia code.
  • Use custom system images.
  • Create values that Julia can use, and convert them back to Rust, from Rust.
  • Access the type information and fields of such values. Inline and bits-union fields can be accessed directly.
  • Create and use n-dimensional arrays. The jlrs-ndarray feature can be enabled for integration with ndarray.
  • Map Julia structs to Rust structs, the Rust implementation can be generated with the JlrsCore package.
  • Structs that can be mapped to Rust include those with type parameters and bits unions.
  • Use Julia from multiple threads either directly or via Julia-aware thread pools.
  • Export Rust types, methods and functions to Julia with the julia_module macro.
  • Libraries that use julia_module can be compiled with BinaryBuilder and distributed as JLLs.


Julia must be installed before jlrs can be used, jlrs is compatible with Julia 1.6 up to and including Julia 1.11. If the JlrsCore package has not been installed, it will automatically be installed when jlrs is initialized by default. jlrs has not been tested with juliaup yet on Linux and macOS.


The recommended way to install Julia is to download the binaries from the official website, which is distributed as an archive containing a directory called julia-x.y.z. This directory contains several other directories, including a bin directory containing the julia executable.

During compilation, the paths to the header and library are normally detected automatically by executing the command which julia. The path to julia.h must be $(which julia)/../include/julia/julia.h and the path to the library $(which julia)/../lib/ If you want to override this default behaviour the JULIA_DIR environment variable must be set to the path to the appropriate julia.x-y-z directory, in this case $JULIA_DIR/include/julia/julia.h and $JULIA_DIR/lib/ are used instead.

In order to be able to load this file must be on the library search path. If this is not the case you must add /path/to/julia-x.y.z/lib to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


Follow the instructions for Linux, but replace LD_LIBRARY_PATH with DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Julia can be installed using juliaup, or with the installer or portable installation downloaded from the official website. In the first case, Julia has been likely installed in %USERPROFILE%\.julia\juliaup\julia-x.y.z+0~x64, while using the installer or extracting allows you to pick the destination. After installation or extraction a folder called Julia-x.y.z exists, which contains several folders including a bin folder containing julia.exe. The path to the bin folder must be added to the Path environment variable.

Julia is automatically detected by executing the command where julia. If this returns multiple locations the first one is used. The default can be overridden by setting the JULIA_DIR environment variable. This doesn’t work correctly with juliaup, in this case the environment variable must be set.


Most functionality of jlrs is only available if the proper features are enabled. These features generally belong to one of three categories: versions, runtimes and utilities.


The Julia C API is unstable and there are minor incompatibilities between different versions of Julia. To ensure the correct bindings are used for a particular version of Julia you must enable a version feature. The following version features currently exist:

  • julia-1-6
  • julia-1-7
  • julia-1-8
  • julia-1-9
  • julia-1-10
  • julia-1-11

Exactly one version feature must be enabled. Otherwise, jlrs will fail to compile.

If you want your crate to be compatible with multiple versions of Julia, you should “reexport” these version features as follows:

julia-1-6 = ["jlrs/julia-1-6"]
julia-1-7 = ["jlrs/julia-1-7"]
julia-1-8 = ["jlrs/julia-1-8"]
julia-1-9 = ["jlrs/julia-1-9"]
julia-1-10 = ["jlrs/julia-1-10"]
julia-1-11 = ["jlrs/julia-1-11"]


A runtime lets initialize Julia from Rust application, the following features enable a runtime:

  • local-rt

    Enables the local runtime. The local runtime provides single-threaded, blocking access to Julia.

  • async-rt

    Enables the async runtime. The async runtime runs on a separate thread and can be used from multiple threads.

  • tokio-rt

    The async runtime requires an executor. This feature provides a tokio-based executor.

  • multi-rt

    Enables the multithreaded runtime. The multithreaded runtime lets you call Julia from arbitrary threads. It can be combined with the async-rt feature to create Julia-aware thread pools. This feature requires Julia 1.9 or higher.

WARNING: Runtime features must only be enabled by applications that embed Julia. Libraries must never enable a runtime feature.
WARNING: When a runtime feature is enabled on Linux, set RUSTFLAGS="-Clink-args=-rdynamic" if you want fast code.


All other features are called utility features. The following are available:

  • async

    Enable the features of the async runtime which don’t depend on the executor. This can be used in libraries which provide implementations of tasks that the async runtime can handle.

  • jlrs-derive

    This feature should be used in combination with the code generation provided by the Reflect module in the JlrsCore package. This module lets you generate Rust implementations of Julia structs, this generated code uses custom derive macros made available with this feature to enable the safe conversion of data from Julia to Rust, and from Rust to Julia in some cases.

  • jlrs-ndarray

    Access the content of a Julia array as an ArrayView or ArrayViewMut from ndarray.

  • f16

    Adds support for working with Julia’s Float16 type from Rust using half’s f16 type.

  • complex

    Adds support for working with Julia’s Complex type from Rust using num’s Complex type.

  • ccall

    Julia’s ccall interface can be used to call functions written in Rust from Julia. No runtime can be used in this case because Julia has already been initialized, when this feature is enabled the CCall struct is available which offers the same functionality as the local runtime without initializing Julia. The julia_module macro is provided to easily export functions, types, and data in combination with the macros from the Wrap module in the JlrsCore package.

  • lto

    jlrs depends on a support library written in C, if this feature is enabled this support library is built with support for cross-language LTO which can provide a significant performance boost.

    This feature has only been tested on Linux and requires building the support library using a version of clang with the same major version as rustc’s LLVM version; e.g. rust 1.78.0 uses LLVM 18, so it requires clang-18. You can check what version you need by executing rustc -vV.

    You must set the RUSTFLAGS environment variable if this feature is enabled, and possibly the CC environment variable. Setting RUSTFLAGS overrides the default flags that jlrs sets, so you must set at least the following flags: RUSTFLAGS="-Clinker-plugin-lto -Clinker=clang-XX -Clink-arg=-fuse-ld=lld -Clink-args=-rdynamic".

  • diagnostics

    Enable custom diagnostics for several traits because the default lint is unhelpful. This feature requires Rust 1.78.

  • i686

    Link with a 32-bit build of Julia on Linux, only used for cross-compilation.

  • windows

    Flag that must be enabled when cross-compiling for Windows from Linux.

  • debug

    Link with a debug build of Julia on Linux.

  • no-link

    Don’t link Julia.

  • yggdrasil

    Flag that must be enabled when compiling with BinaryBuilder.

You can enable all features except debug, i686, windows, no-link, lto and yggdrasil by enabling the full feature. If you don’t want to enable any runtimes either, you can use full-no-rt.

§Using jlrs

How you should use this crate depends on whether you’re embedding Julia in a Rust application, or writing a library you want to call from Julia. We’re going to focus on embedding first. Some topics covered in the section about the local runtime section are relevant for users of the other runtimes, and library authors who want to call into Rust from Julia and into Julia again from Rust.

§Calling Julia from Rust

If you want to embed Julia in a Rust application, you must enable a runtime and a version feature:

jlrs = {version = "0.20.0", features = ["local-rt", "julia-1-11"]}

jlrs = {version = "0.20.0", features = ["tokio-rt", "julia-1-11"]}

jlrs = {version = "0.20.0", features = ["multi-rt", "julia-1-11"]}

When Julia is embedded in an application, it must be initialized before it can be used. A Builder is available to configure the runtime before starting it. This lets you set options like the number of threads Julia can start or instruct Julia to use a custom system image.

There are three runtimes: the local, async and multithreaded runtime. Let’s take a look at them in that same order.

§Local runtime

The local runtime initializes Julia on the current thread and lets you call into Julia from that one thread.

Starting this runtime is quite straightforward, you only need to create a Builder and call Builder::start_local. This initializes Julia on the current thread and returns a LocalHandle that lets you call into Julia. The runtime shuts down when this handle is dropped.

The handle by itself doesn’t let you do much directly. In order to create Julia data and call Julia functions, a scope must be created first. These scopes ensure Julia data can only be used while it’s guaranteed to be safe from being freed by Julia’s garbage collector. jlrs has dynamically-sized scopes and statically-sized local scopes. The easiest way to familiarize ourselves with these scopes is with a simple example where we allocate some Julia data.

Dynamically-sized scope:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

// To create to dynamically-sized scope we need to create a stack first.
// NB: This is a relatively expensive operation, if you need to create a stack you should do
// so early and reuse it as much as possible.
julia.with_stack(|mut stack| {
    stack.scope(|mut frame| {
        // We use `frame` every time we create Julia data. This roots the data in the
        // frame, which means the garbage collector is guaranteed to leave this data alone
        // at least until we leave this scope. Even if the frame is dropped, the data is
        // guaranteed to be protected until the scope ends.
        // This value inherits `frame`'s lifetime, which prevents it from being returned
        // from this closure.
        let _v = Value::new(&mut frame, 1usize);

Statically-sized local scope:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

// Local scopes can be created without creating a stack, but you need to provide the exact
// number of slots you need.
julia.local_scope::<_, 1>(|mut frame| {
    // We root one value in this frame, so the required capacity of this local scope is 1.
    let _v = Value::new(&mut frame, 1usize);

    // Because there is only one slot available, uncommenting the next line would cause a
    // panic unless we changed `local_scope::<1>` to `local_scope::<2>`.
    // let _v2 = Value::new(&mut frame, 2usize);

In general you should prefer using local scopes over dynamic scopes. For more information about scopes, frames, and other important topics involving memory management, see the memory module.

In the previous two examples we saw the function Value::new, which converts Rust to Julia data. In particular, calling Value::new(&mut frame, 1usize) returned a Julia UInt with the value 1. Any type that implements IntoJulia can be converted to Julia data with this method. Similarly, any type that implements Unbox can be converted from Julia to Rust.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

julia.local_scope::<_, 1>(|mut frame| {
    // We root one value in this frame, so the required capacity of this local scope is 1.
    let v = Value::new(&mut frame, 1.0f32);

    // `Value::unbox` checks if the conversion is valid before unboxing the value.
    let unboxed = v.unbox::<f32>().expect("not a Float32");
    assert_eq!(unboxed, 1.0f32);

We don’t just want to unbox the exact same data we’ve just allocated, obviously. We want to call functions written in Julia with that data. This boils down to accessing the function in the right module and calling it.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

// This scope contains a fallible operation. Whenever the return type is a `Result` and the
// `?` operator is used, the closure typically has to be annotated with its return type.
    .local_scope::<_, 4>(|mut frame| -> JlrsResult<()> {
        let v1 = Value::new(&mut frame, 1.0f32); // 1
        let v2 = Value::new(&mut frame, 2.0f32); // 2

        // The Base module is globally rooted, so we can access it with `&frame` instead of
        // `&mut frame`. Only uses of mutable references count towards the necessary capacity
        // of the local scope.
        let base = Module::base(&frame);

        // The Base module contains the `+` function.
        let func = frame, "+")?; // 3

        // `Value` implements the `Call` trait which lets us call it as a function. Any
        // callable object can be called this way. Functions can throw exceptions, if it does
        // it's caught and returned as the `Err` branch of a `Result`. Converting the result
        // to a `JlrsResult` converts it to its error message and lets it be returned with the
        // `?` operator.
        // Calling Julia functions is unsafe. Some functions are inherently unsafe to call,
        // their names typically start with `unsafe`. Other functions might involve
        // multithreading and affect how you must access certain global variables. Adding two
        // numbers is not an issue.
        let v3 = unsafe {
   frame, [v1, v2]) // 4

        let unboxed = v3.unbox::<f32>().expect("not a Float32");
        assert_eq!(unboxed, 3.0f32);


Julia functions are highly generic, calling functions with the Call trait calls the most appropriate function given the arguments. The + function for example accepts any number of arguments and returns their sum, so we can easily adjust the previous example to add more numbers together.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

    .local_scope::<_, 5>(|mut frame| -> JlrsResult<()> {
        let v1 = Value::new(&mut frame, 1.0f32); // 1
        let v2 = Value::new(&mut frame, 2.0f32); // 2
        let v3 = Value::new(&mut frame, 3.0f32); // 3

        let v3 = unsafe {
                .global(&mut frame, "+")? // 4
                .call(&mut frame, [v1, v2, v3]) // 5

        let unboxed = v3.unbox::<f32>()?;
        assert_eq!(unboxed, 6.0f32);


By default you can only access the Main, Base and Core module. If you want to use functions defined in standard libraries or installed packages, you must load them first.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let mut julia = Builder::new().start_local().unwrap();

unsafe {
        .expect("LinearAlgebra package does not exist");

julia.local_scope::<_, 1>(|mut frame| {
    let lin_alg = Module::package_root_module(&frame, "LinearAlgebra");

    let mul_mut_func = lin_alg.unwrap().global(&mut frame, "mul!");

§Multithreaded runtime

The multithreaded runtime initializes Julia on some background thread, and allows calling into Julia from arbitrary threads. This runtime is available since Julia 1.9.

To start this runtime you need to create a Builder and call Builder::spawn_mt. It has its own handle type, MtHandle, which can be cloned and sent to other threads. Unlike the local runtime’s LocalHandle, it can’t be used directly, you must call MtHandle::with first to ensure the thread is in a state where it can call into Julia.

Let’s call into Julia from two separate threads to see it in action:

use std::thread;

use jlrs::prelude::*;

// When the multithreaded runtime is spawned, a new thread is spawned that initializes Julia.
// This thread simply waits for shutdown to be requested when the final `mt_handle` is
// dropped. An `MtHandle` and a `JoinHandle` to that runtime thread are returned.
let (mut mt_handle, th_handle) = Builder::new().spawn_mt().unwrap();

// We can send different instances of `MtHandle` to different threads. `MtHandle` is `Send`,
// not `Sync` so we need to clone it in advance.
let mut mt_handle2 = mt_handle.clone();

let t1 = thread::spawn(move || {
    // By calling `MtHandle::with` we enable the thread to call into Julia. The handle you can
    // use in that closure provides the same functionality as the local runtime's
    // `LocalHandle`.
    mt_handle.with(|handle| {
        handle.local_scope::<_, 1>(|mut frame| unsafe {
            let _v = Value::new(&mut frame, 1);

let t2 = thread::spawn(move || {
    mt_handle2.with(|handle| {
        handle.local_scope::<_, 1>(|mut frame| unsafe {
            let _v = Value::new(&mut frame, 2);

t1.join().expect("thread 1 panicked");
t2.join().expect("thread 2 panicked");

// No more handles exist, so the runtime thread has shut down.

It’s important that you avoid blocking operations unrelated to Julia in a call to MtHandle::with. The reason is that this can prevent the garbage collector from running. Roughly speaking, whenever Julia data is allocated the garbage collector can signal it has to run. This blocks the thread that tried to allocate data, and every other thread will similarly block when they try to allocate data, until every thread is blocked. When all threads are blocked, the garbage collector collects garbage and unblocks the threads when it’s done.

The implication is that long-running operations which don’t allocate Julia data can block the garbage collector, which can grind Julia to a halt. Outside calls to MtHandle::with, the thread is guaranteed to be in a state where it won’t block the garbage collector from running.

§Async runtime

While the sync and multithreaded runtimes let you call into Julia directly from one or more threads, the async runtime runs on a background thread and uses an executor to allow running multiple tasks on that thread concurrently. Its handle type, AsyncHandle, can be shared across threads like the MtHandle, and lets you send tasks to the runtime thread.

The async runtime supports three kinds of tasks: blocking, async, and persistent tasks. Blocking tasks run as a single unit and prevent other tasks from running until they’ve completed. Async tasks run as a separate task on the executor, they can use async operations and long-running Julia functions can be dispatched to a background thread. Persistent tasks are similar to async tasks, they run as separate tasks but additionally have internal state and can be called multiple times.

Blocking task:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let (julia, thread_handle) = Builder::new()

// When a task cannot be dispatched to the runtime because the
// channel is full, the dispatcher is returned in the `Err` branch.
// `blocking_task` is the receiving end of a tokio oneshot channel.
let blocking_task = julia
    .blocking_task(|mut frame| -> JlrsResult<f32> {
        Value::new(&mut frame, 1.0f32).unbox::<f32>()
    .expect("unable to dispatch task");

let res = blocking_task
    .expect("unable to receive result")
    .expect("blocking task failed.");

assert_eq!(res, 1.0);

// The runtime thread exits when the last instance of `julia` is dropped.

Async task:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

struct AdditionTask {
    a: u64,
    b: u32,

// Async tasks must implement the `AsyncTask` trait. Only the runtime thread can call the
// Julia C API, so the `run` method must not return a future that implements `Send` or `Sync`.
impl AsyncTask for AdditionTask {
    // The type of the result of this task.
    type Output = JlrsResult<u64>;

    // This async method replaces the closure from the previous examples,
    // an `AsyncGcFrame` can be used the same way as other frame types.
    async fn run<'frame>(&mut self, mut frame: AsyncGcFrame<'frame>) -> Self::Output {
        let a = Value::new(&mut frame, self.a);
        let b = Value::new(&mut frame, self.b);

        let func = Module::base(&frame).global(&mut frame, "+")?;

        // CallAsync::call_async schedules the function call on another thread.
        // The runtime can switch to other tasks while awaiting the result.
        // Safety: adding two numbers is safe.
        unsafe { func.call_async(&mut frame, [a, b]) }

let (julia, thread_handle) = Builder::new()

// When a task cannot be dispatched to the runtime because the
// channel is full, the dispatcher is returned in the `Err` branch.
// `async_task` is the receiving end of a tokio oneshot channel.
let async_task = julia
    .task(AdditionTask { a: 1, b: 2 })
    .expect("unable to dispatch task");

let res = async_task
    .expect("unable to receive result")
    .expect("AdditionTask failed");

assert_eq!(res, 3);

// The runtime thread exits when the last instance of `julia` is dropped.

Persistent task:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

struct AccumulatorTask {
    n_values: usize,

// The internal state of a persistent task can contain Julia data.
struct AccumulatorTaskState<'state> {
    array: TypedArray<'state, 'static, usize>,
    offset: usize,

// The same is true for implementations of `PersistentTask`.
impl PersistentTask for AccumulatorTask {
    type Output = JlrsResult<usize>;

    // The type of the task's internal state.
    type State<'state> = AccumulatorTaskState<'state>;

    // The type of the additional data that the task must be called with.
    type Input = usize;

    // This method is called before the task can be called.
    async fn init<'frame>(
        &mut self,
        mut frame: AsyncGcFrame<'frame>,
    ) -> JlrsResult<Self::State<'frame>> {
        // A `Vec` can be moved from Rust to Julia if the element type
        // implements `IntoJulia`.
        let data = vec![0usize; self.n_values];
        let array =
            TypedArray::from_vec(&mut frame, data, self.n_values)?.into_jlrs_result()?;

        Ok(AccumulatorTaskState { array, offset: 0 })

    // Whenever the task is called, it's called with its state and the provided input.
    async fn run<'frame, 'state: 'frame>(
        &mut self,
        mut frame: AsyncGcFrame<'frame>,
        state: &mut Self::State<'state>,
        input: Self::Input,
    ) -> Self::Output {
        unsafe {
            let mut data = state.array.bits_data_mut();
            data[state.offset] = input;

        state.offset += 1;
        if (state.offset == self.n_values) {
            state.offset = 0;

        unsafe {
                .function(&mut frame, "sum")?
                .call1(&mut frame, state.array.as_value())

let (julia, thread_handle) = Builder::new()

let persistent_task = julia
    .persistent(AccumulatorTask { n_values: 2 })
    .expect("unable to dispatch task")
    .expect("unable to receive handle")
    .expect("init failed");

// A persistent task can be called with its input, the same dispatch mechanism
// is used as above.
let res = persistent_task
    .expect("unable to dispatch call")
    .expect("unable to receive handle")
    .expect("call failed");

assert_eq!(res, 1);

let res = persistent_task
    .expect("unable to dispatch call")
    .expect("unable to receive handle")
    .expect("call failed");

assert_eq!(res, 3);

// If the `AsyncHandle` is dropped before the task is, the runtime continues
// running until the task has been dropped.

§Async, multithreaded runtime

There are two non-exclusive ways the async runtime can be combined with the multithreaded runtime. You can start the runtime thread with an async executor, which grants you both an AsyncHandle to that thread and a MtHandle. This can be useful if you have code that must run on the main thread.

The second option is thread pools. When both runtimes are enabled, MtHandle lets you construct pools of async worker threads that share a single task queue. Each pool can have an arbitrary number of workers, which are automatically restarted if they die. Like the async runtime, you interact with a pool through its AsyncHandle. The pool shuts down when the last handle is dropped.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

let (mt_handle, async_handle, thread_handle) = Builder::new()

let pool_handle = mt_handle

// All handles must be dropped .

§Calling Rust from Julia

Julia can call functions written in Rust thanks to its ccall interface, which lets you call arbitrary functions which use the C ABI. These functions can be defined in dynamic libraries or provided directly to Julia by converting a function pointer to a Value.

use jlrs::prelude::*;

// This function will be provided to Julia as a pointer, so its name can be mangled.
unsafe extern "C" fn call_me(arg: Bool) -> isize {
    if arg.as_bool() {
    } else {

    .local_scope::<_, 3>(|mut frame| -> JlrsResult<_> {
        unsafe {
            // Cast the function to a void pointer
            let call_me_val = Value::new(&mut frame, call_me as *mut std::ffi::c_void);

            // Value::eval_string can be used to create new functions.
            let func = Value::eval_string(
                &mut frame,
                "myfunc(callme::Ptr{Cvoid})::Int = ccall(callme, Int, (Bool,), true)",

            // Call the function and unbox the result.
            let result = func
                .call1(&mut frame, call_me_val)

            assert_eq!(result, 1);

To create a library that Julia can use, you must compile your crate as a cdylib. To achieve this you need to add

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

to your crate’s Cargo.toml. You must also abort on panic:

panic = "abort"

You must not enable any of jlrs’s runtimes.

The most versatile way to export Rust functions like call_me from the previous example is by using the julia_module macro. This macro lets you export custom types and functions in a way that is friendly to precompilation.

In Rust, this macro is used as follows:

use jlrs::prelude::*;

fn call_me(arg: Bool) -> isize {
    if arg.as_bool() {
    } else {

julia_module! {
    become callme_init_fn;
    fn call_me(arg: Bool) -> isize;

While on the Julia side things look like this:

module CallMe
using JlrsCore.Wrap

@wrapmodule("./path/to/", :callme_init_fn)

function __init__()

All Julia functions are automatically generated and have the same name as the exported function:

@assert CallMe.call_me(true) == 1
@assert CallMe.call_me(false) == -1

This macro has many more capabilities than just exporting functions written in Rust. For more information see the documentation. A practical example that uses this macro is the [rustfft-jl] crate, which uses this macro to expose RustFFT to Julia. The recipe for BinaryBuilder can be found here.

While call_me doesn’t call back into Julia, it is possible to call arbitrary functions from jlrs from a ccalled function. This will often require a Target, to create a target you must create an instance of CCall first.


The restriction that Julia can be initialized once must be taken into account when running tests that use jlrs. Because tests defined in a single crate are not guaranteed to be run from the same thread you must guarantee that each crate has only one test that initializes Julia. It’s recommended you only use jlrs in integration tests because each top-level integration test file is treated as a separate crate.

use jlrs::{prelude::*, runtime::handle::local_handle::LocalHandle};

fn test_1(julia: &mut LocalHandle) {
    // use handle
fn test_2(julia: &mut LocalHandle) {
    // use handle

fn call_tests() {
    let mut julia = unsafe { Builder::new().start_local().unwrap() };
    test_1(&mut julia);
    test_2(&mut julia);

§Custom types

In order to map a struct in Rust to one in Julia you can derive several traits. You normally shouldn’t need to implement these structs or traits manually. The reflect function defined in the JlrsCore.Reflect module can generate Rust structs whose layouts match their counterparts in Julia and automatically derive the supported traits.

The main restriction is that structs with atomic fields, and tuple or union fields with type parameters are not supported. The reason for this restriction is that the layout of such fields can be very different depending on the parameters in a way that can’t be easily represented in Rust.

These custom types can also be used when you call Rust from Julia with ccall.


  • Julia function arguments
  • Call Julia functions.
  • Try-catch blocks.
  • Traits for converting data.
  • Create and use Julia data.
  • Everything related to errors.
  • GC-safe synchronization primitives.
  • System and Julia version information.
  • Julia memory management.
  • Reexports structs and traits you’re likely to need.
  • Embed Julia in a Rust application.
  • Safety



  • Installation method for the JlrsCore package. If JlrsCore is already installed the installed version is used.


  • The version of the jlrs API this version of jlrs is compatible with.