jemalloc-sys 0.1.8

Rust FFI bindings to jemalloc

jemalloc-sys - Rust bindings to the jemalloc C library

Note: the Rust allocator API is implemented for jemalloc in the jemallocator crate.

jemalloc is a general purpose memory allocation, its documentation can be found here:

  • [API documentation][jemalloc_docs]
  • [Wiki][jemalloc_wiki] (design documents, presentations, profiling, debugging, tuning, ...)

Current jemalloc version: 5.1.

Feature flags

This crate provides following cargo feature flags:

  • profiling: configure jemalloc with --enable-prof.

  • stats: configure jemalloc with --enable-stats.

  • debug: configure jemalloc with --enable-debug.

  • bg_thread (enabled by default): when disabled, configure jemalloc with --with-malloc-conf=background_thread:false.

  • unprefixed_malloc_on_supported_platforms: when disabled, configure jemalloc with --with-jemalloc-prefix=_rjem_. Enabling this causes symbols like malloc to be emitted without a prefix, overriding the ones defined by libc. This usually causes C and C++ code linked in the same program to use jemalloc as well.

    On some platforms prefixes are always used because unprefixing is known to cause segfaults due to allocator mismatches.

See jemalloc/


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at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in jemallocator by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.