Crate itsybitsy_m4[][src]


pub use atsamd_hal as hal;
pub use hal::ehal;
pub use hal::pac;


Use a SERCOM peripheral for SPI transactions

Use the SERCOM peripheral for UART communications


Refer to fields of the Pins struct by alternate names


GenericClockController encapsulates the GCLK hardware. It provides a type safe way to configure the system clocks. Initializing the GenericClockController instance configures the system to run at 120MHz by taking the DFLL48 and feeding it into the DPLL0 hardware which multiplies the signal by 2.5x.


Represents the Sercom instance configured to act as an I2C Master. The embedded_hal blocking I2C traits are implemented by this instance.

Qspi used for read/write of fixed-size octet buffers

BSP replacement for the HAL Pins type


Baudrate calculation in asynchronous mode

Type-level variant of IoSet representing SERCOM IOSET 3

Baudrate oversampling values


DynPinId for the Analog0 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog0 alias.

DynPinId for the Analog1 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog1 alias.

DynPinId for the Analog2 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog2 alias.

DynPinId for the Analog3 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog3 alias.

DynPinId for the Analog4 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog4 alias.

DynPinId for the Analog5 alias.

DynPinMode for the Analog5 alias.

DynPinId for the BuiltinLed alias.

DynPinMode for the BuiltinLed alias.

DynPinId for the DotStarClk alias.

DynPinMode for the DotStarClk alias.

DynPinId for the DotStarData alias.

DynPinMode for the DotStarData alias.

DynPinId for the DotStarNC alias.

DynPinMode for the DotStarNC alias.

DynPinId for the Miso alias.

DynPinMode for the Miso alias.

DynPinId for the Mosi alias.

DynPinMode for the Mosi alias.

DynPinId for the QspiCs alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiCs alias.

DynPinId for the QspiD0 alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiD0 alias.

DynPinId for the QspiD1 alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiD1 alias.

DynPinId for the QspiD2 alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiD2 alias.

DynPinId for the QspiD3 alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiD3 alias.

DynPinId for the QspiSck alias.

DynPinMode for the QspiSck alias.

DynPinId for the Sck alias.

DynPinMode for the Sck alias.

DynPinId for the Scl alias.

DynPinMode for the Scl alias.

DynPinId for the Sda alias.

DynPinMode for the Sda alias.

DynPinId for the UartRx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartRx alias.

DynPinId for the UartTx alias.

DynPinMode for the UartTx alias.

DynPinId for the UndocIoset2Pad2 alias.

DynPinMode for the UndocIoset2Pad2 alias.

DynPinId for the UsbDm alias.

DynPinMode for the UsbDm alias.

DynPinId for the UsbDp alias.

DynPinMode for the UsbDp alias.


Convenience for setting up the dotstar LED using bitbang’ed SPI.

Convenience for setting up the labelled SDA, SCL pins to operate as an I2C master running at the specified frequency.

Convenience for setting up the onboard QSPI flash. Enables the clocks for the QSPI peripheral in single data rate mode assuming 120MHz system clock, for 4MHz QSPI mode 0 operation.

Convenience for setting up the default SPI. This powers up SERCOM1 and configures it for use as an SPI Master in SPI Mode 0.

Convenience for setting up the labelled RX, TX pins to operate as a UART device running at the specified baud.

Type Definitions

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog0 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog1 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog2 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog3 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog4 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Analog5 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

I2C master for the labelled SDA & SCL pins

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Miso alias

PinMode for the Miso alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Mosi alias

PinMode for the Mosi alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiCs alias

PinMode for the QspiCs alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiD0 alias

PinMode for the QspiD0 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiD1 alias

PinMode for the QspiD1 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiD2 alias

PinMode for the QspiD2 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiD3 alias

PinMode for the QspiD3 alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the QspiSck alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Sck alias

PinMode for the Sck alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Scl alias

PinMode for the Scl alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the Sda alias

PinMode for the Sda alias

Type alias for the corresponding SERCOM instance

Type alias for the corresponding SERCOM instance

SPI master for the labelled SPI peripheral

SPI pads for the labelled SPI peripheral

UART device for the labelled RX & TX pins

UART Pads for the labelled UART peripheral

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the UartRx alias

PinMode for the UartRx alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the UartTx alias

PinMode for the UartTx alias

Alias for a configured Pin

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the UsbDm alias

PinMode for the UsbDm alias

Alias for a configured Pin

PinId for the UsbDp alias

PinMode for the UsbDp alias

Attribute Macros