iso4217 0.1.0

ISO 4217 data.

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Rust crate for ISO 4217 data.

ISO 4217

ISO 4217 is a standard published by the International Organization for Standardization, which delineates currency designators, country codes (alpha and numeric), and references to minor units in three tables.

-- Wikipedia


Add the following dependency to your Cargo.toml:

iso4217 = "*"

And include it in your project:

extern crate iso4217;


Retrieve all currencies defined by ISO 4217:

extern crate iso4217;

fn main() {
    let currencies = iso4217::all().unwrap();

Or retrieve a currency by its alpha3 code:

    let currency = iso4217::alpha3("EUR").unwrap();

Retrieve a vector of currencies used by a country, given an alpha2 code specified by ISO 3166:

    let currencies = iso4217::country("SG").unwrap();

Retrieve a vector of currencies with a certain exponential value (decimal places):

    let currencies = iso4217::exp(2).unwrap();

By the full name of the currency:

    let currency = iso4217::name("Turkish lira").unwrap();

By the 3-digit numeric representation of the currency:

    let currency = iso4217::num("840").unwrap();


License info in Long story short, ISC.