[][src]Macro irq::scoped_interrupts

macro_rules! scoped_interrupts {
        $( #[$enum_attr:meta] )*
        $v:vis enum $name:ident {


        use #[$hook_attr:meta];
    ) => { ... };

Hooks interrupts and makes them available to the scope API.

In order to hook the interrupts, you need to provide a macro to apply to the interrupt veneers. This is generally architecture- or even MCU-specific. On Cortex-M devices, this should usually be the #[interrupt] macro exported by the device-specific PAC.

It is not necessary to hook all interrupts. Only those that should be made available to the scope API are required. Since every hooked interrupt comes with a cost in code and data size, it is advisable to only hook the interrupts needed by the application.


In this example, an svd2rust-generated Peripheral Access Crate mock_pac provides the interrupts that can be hooked using the #[interrupt] macro:

scoped_interrupts! {
    enum Interrupt {

    use #[interrupt];

Also refer to examples/mock-pac.rs for a standalone version with more comments.