var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["ironstorm_lookup"] = {"doc":"Overview\n---------\nThis library contains the internal data structure used by the ironstrom project","items":[[3,"LookupTable","ironstorm_lookup","This is the actual `LookupTable` that creates the in memory data structure and uses it to perform the lookups.\nIt implements the `FromIterator` trait and its `from_iter(..)` method.\nTo create a new `LookupTable` instance, you first have to create an Iterator over some `Lookup` items.\nHaving that iterator, you can call `LookupTable::from_iter(myLookupItemIterator)``.",null,null],[6,"Bucket","","Every value that is inserted into the lookup table must be assigned to a bucket.\nValues, assigned to a lower bucket, will be returned before values from a higher bucket.\nThis bucket mechanism is used instead a full blown sorting algorithm to boost performance.",null,null],[8,"Lookup","","Implement this trait for types that are going be put into a `LookupTable`",null,null],[10,"searchable_text","","The text that will be looked at when a lookup is executed.",0,null],[10,"bucket","","The bucket in which this item will be put.\nEntries in lower buckets will be returned before entries in higher buckets.\nDon't introduce too many buckets per `LookupTable`.\nThe worst case would be to have one Bucket per LookupTable entry.\n`Bucket` is just a type alias for an unsigned integer aka usize.",0,null],[11,"from_iter","","Creates a `LookupTable` from the given Iterator",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"t"}],"output":{"name":"self"}}],[11,"find","","Searches for `Lookup` entries with a `serachable_text` that contains the given `search_text`.\nIf the `search_text` is found multiple times for the same entry, the entry will also be returned multiple times.\nIf no matches are found, the Iterator will immediately start returning `None`.\nEntries in lower buckets will be returned before entries in higher buckets.\nThe method is case sensitive.",1,null],[11,"len","","Returns the number of values for this `LookupTable`",1,null],[11,"bucket_count","","Returns the number of buckets for this `LookupTable`",1,null]],"paths":[[8,"Lookup"],[3,"LookupTable"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);