ironoxide 0.9.0

A pure-Rust SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform
# Changelog

## 0.9.0
- [[#23]]
  - IronOxide no longer has mutable references in it's API, making it possible to share an IronOxide between threads.
  - The RNG used for for AES now periodically reseeds itself.

## 0.8.0

- add the ability to encrypt via policy

## 0.7.0

- add the ability to encrypt without granting to the author

## 0.6.1

- [[#1]#1]
  - added `UserCreateKeyPair` to public API
  - added `IronOxideErr` to the `prelude`
  - added `From<IronOxideErr> for String` to

## 0.6.0

- Initial Open Source Release