ironoxide 0.11.0

A pure-Rust SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform failed to build ironoxide-0.11.0
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: ironoxide-2.1.0

IronOxide- IronCore Labs Rust SDK

Build Status

IronOxide is an SDK for accessing IronCore's privacy platform. It is appropriate for both client and server applications.


To include IronOxide in your Rust application, see for the most recent version.

If you are not building a Rust application, you might be interested in one of these SDKs:

  • ironoxide-java - Java bindings for ironoxide. Appropriate for all JVM langauges.
  • ironoxide-scala - Scala wrappers around ironoxide-java.
  • ironode - NodeJS implementation of IronCore's Privacy Platform.
  • ironweb - Javascript implementation of IronCore's Privacy Platform. Appropriate for all modern browsers.

All SDKs are intended to be compatible with one another.

API Docs and Example Usage

Please see


IronCore welcomes community participation through the issue tracker or pull request process.


Rust (stable) and libstd required.

cargo build

It may be possible to build with no_std, but we haven't looked at this. We test on a variety of architectures (including Linux-x86_64 MacOSX-x86_64, IOS-aarch64, Android-aarch64), and should generally work anywhere Rust stable works.

If you want to use cargo watch you will need to exclude the generated code:

cargo watch -i "src/proto/*" -x "build"

Running Unit Tests

IronCore has integration tests that are not runnable by the public. If you are interested in the results, Travis runs the integration tests. If you think you need to run the integration tests on a development machine, please open an issue.

To run the unit test suite, use:

cargo t --lib


IronOxide is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License. We also offer commercial licenses - email for more information.

Copyright (c) 2019 IronCore Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.