Crate iron_csrf [] [src]

Crate providing cross-site request forgery (CSRF) protection for Iron.


iron_csrf is used as iron::AroundMiddleware that checks all requests with the HTTP method POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE for the presence of a CSRF token, and it generates tokens that can be used inside the application for use when generating the Response.

Hello, CSRF.

The following is a simple server that prints the contents of the CSRF token. It demonstrates how to wrap the middleware and access the string contents of the CsrfToken.

extern crate iron;
extern crate iron_csrf;
extern crate ring;

use iron::AroundMiddleware;
use iron::prelude::*;
use iron::status;
use iron_csrf::{CsrfProtectionMiddleware, HmacCsrfProtection, CsrfToken, CsrfConfig};
use ring::{digest, hmac};
use ring::rand::SystemRandom;

fn main() {
    // Make a key
    // Note: You will want to load a persistent key in production
    let rng = SystemRandom::new();
    let key = hmac::SigningKey::generate(&digest::SHA512, &rng).unwrap();

    // Set up CSRF protection with the default config
    let protect = HmacCsrfProtection::new(key);
    let config = CsrfConfig::build().ttl_seconds(300).finish().unwrap();
    let middleware = CsrfProtectionMiddleware::new(protect, config);

    // Set up routes
    let handler = middleware.around(Box::new(index));

    // Make and start the server
    Iron::new(handler); //.http("localhost:8080").unwrap();

fn index(request: &mut Request) -> IronResult<Response> {
    let token = request.extensions.get::<CsrfToken>().unwrap();
    let msg = format!("Hello, CSRF Token: {}", token.b64_string().unwrap());
    Ok(Response::with((status::Ok, msg)))


There are three ways that iron_csrf checks for the presence of a CSRF token.

  • The field csrf-token in requests with Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  • The query parameter csrf-token
  • The header X-CSRF-Token

The selection is done short circuit, so the first present wins, and retrieval on fails if the token is not present in any of the fields.

Tokens have a time to live (TTL) that defaults to 3600 seconds. If a token is stale, validation will fail.

In the provided implementations, tokens are cryptographically signed, so tampering with a token or its signature will cause the validation to fail. Validation failures will return a 403 Forbidden.

Signatures and other data needed for validation are stored in a cookie that is sent to the user via the Set-Cookie header.

Unsupported: multipart/form-data

Because of how the iron library handles middleware and streaming requests, it is not possible (or at least not feasible) at this time to intercept requests and check the multipart forms.



Module containing the CSRF error types.



The configuation used to initialize CsrfProtection.


A utility to help build a CsrfConfig in an API backwards compatible way.


A decoded CSRF cookie.


An implementation of iron::Middleware that provides transparent wrapping of an application with CSRF protection.


An encoded CSRF token.


Uses the Ed25519 DSA to sign and verify cookies.


Uses HMAC to sign and verify cookies.




The name of the cookie for the CSRF validation data and signature.


The name of the form field for the CSRF token.


The name of the HTTP header for the CSRF token.


The name of the query parameter for the CSRF token.



Base trait that allows an iron application to be wrapped with CSRF protection.