irc-bot 0.1.0

A library for writing Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bots in Rust
irc-bot-0.1.0 doesn't have any documentation.

A library for writing Internet Relay Chat (IRC) bots in the programming language Rust, additionally providing a pre-configured bot for immediate use.

What documentation there is should be available on


To use this library without writing one's own bot with it, run the provided program src/bin/

$ # For most people:
$ cargo run
$ # For NixOS users:
$ make run

The name egbot is derived from "e.g.", which means "for example", and is also a pun on the name of Eggdrop, an old IRC bot.

The bot can be configured by editing the JSON file config.json, which is passed through to the irc crate, which documents its configuration options in its README file. One should at least add one's IRC nick to the owners field — e.g., if one's nick is "Ferris":

  "owners": ["Ferris"],


For most users, it should suffice to simply use Cargo:

$ cargo build

Users of the Linux distribution NixOS may prefer to use the provided Makefile, which wraps the tool nix-shell:

$ make build