Crate iota_lib_rs[][src]

This library provides pretty much anything you could need to work with Iota. The documentation is a work in progress, but if you need any help I can usually be found on the Iota discord rust or development chats.

Heres a quick example of how to send a transaction (Note that trytes is being used as a seed here...don't do that)

 extern crate iota_lib_rs;

 use iota_lib_rs::iota_api;
 use iota_lib_rs::iota_api::SendTransferOptions;
 use iota_lib_rs::utils::trytes_converter;
 use iota_lib_rs::model::*;

 fn main() {
     let message = trytes_converter::to_trytes("Hello World").unwrap();
     let mut transfer = Transfer::default();
     *transfer.value_mut() = 0;
     *transfer.address_mut() = trytes.to_string();
     *transfer.message_mut() = message;
     let api = iota_api::API::new("");
     let options = SendTransferOptions{
         seed: trytes.to_string(),
         depth: 3,
         min_weight_magnitude: 14,
         local_pow: true,
         threads: None,
         inputs: None,
         reference: None,
         remainder_address: None,
         security: None,
         hmac_key: None,
     // This line is commented out because travis CI can't handle it,
     // but you should uncomment it
     let tx = api.send_transfers(&transfer, options).unwrap();
     println!("{:?}", tx);



Provides all crypto algorithms and data structures used by Iota


Provides helper functions that make interacting with IRI easier


Provides methods to call IRI APIs


Provides the various struces used by Iota


Provides multi-sig functionality


Provides many useful helper functions that are used throughout the library

Type Definitions


This is the result type used throughout the library