intuitive 0.5.1

a library for building declarative text-based user interfaces
# Intuitive

### [ Documentation]

Intuitive is a component-based library for creating text-based user interfaces
(TUIs) easily.

It is heavily inspired by [React] and [SwiftUI], containing features that
resemble functional components, hooks, and a (mostly) declarative DSL.

Refer to the [Getting Started] documentation for a detailed guide
on how to get started with Intuitive. Alternatively, head over to the [examples]
directory to see some demo applications.

## Design
The main focus of Intuitive is to simplify the implementation of section-based TUIs,
such as [lazygit]('s, even at the slight
expense of performance. Intuitive attempts to make it easy to write reusable TUI
components that
  - encapsulate logic around handling state and key events
  - have complex layouts
  - are easy to read

For example, a complex layout with an input box:
use intuitive::{
  components::{stack::Flex::*, HStack, Section, Text, VStack},
  on_key, render,

fn render() {
  let text = use_state(|| String::new());

  let on_key = on_key! { [text]
    KeyEvent { code: Char(c), .. } => text.mutate(|text| text.push(c)),
    KeyEvent { code: Backspace, .. } => text.mutate(|text| text.pop()),
    KeyEvent { code: Esc, .. } => event::quit(),

  render! {
    VStack(flex: [Block(3), Grow(1)], on_key) {
      Section(title: "Input") {
        Text(text: text.get())

      HStack(flex: [1, 2, 3]) {
        Section(title: "Column 1")
        Section(title: "Column 2")
        Section(title: "Column 3")

fn main() -> Result<()> {
And the output would look like this:


# Disclaimer
Intuitive is closer to a proof-of-concept than to a crate that's ready for
prime-time use. There may also be some bugs in the library of components,
please [raise an issue] if you find any. Furthermore, since a large and
complex application has yet to be built using Intuitive, it is not a
guarantee that it does not have some major flaw making such development

[Getting Started]:
[raise an issue]: