initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Entry","An entry in a `RBTree`."]],"struct":[["Cursor","A cursor which provides read-only access to a `RBTree`."],["CursorMut","A cursor which provides mutable access to a `RBTree`."],["InsertCursor","A cursor pointing to a slot in which an element can be inserted into a `RBTree`."],["Iter","An iterator over references to the items of a `RBTree`."],["Link","Intrusive link that allows an object to be inserted into a `RBTree`."],["RBTree","An intrusive red-black tree."]],"trait":[["TreeAdaptor","Trait which provides a way of extracting a key from an intrusive object. This key is used to maintain all elements in the tree in increasing order. The key can be returned either as a reference or as a value."]]});