initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Bound","An endpoint of a range of keys."]],"macro":[["container_of!","Unsafe macro to get a raw pointer to an outer object from a pointer to one of its fields."],["intrusive_adaptor!","Macro to generate an empty type implementing the Adaptor trait for the given container object and field."],["offset_of!","Macro to get the offset of a struct field in bytes from the address of the struct."],["offset_of_unsafe!","Macro to get the offset of a struct field in bytes from the address of the struct."]],"mod":[["linked_list","Intrusive doubly-linked list."],["rbtree","Intrusive red-black tree."],["singly_linked_list","Intrusive singly-linked list."]],"struct":[["IntrusiveRef","Pointer to an object that may be part of one or more intrusive colllections"]],"trait":[["Adaptor","Trait representing a mapping between an object and an intrusive link type which is a member of that object."]]});