intmap 2.0.0

Specialized HashMap for u64 keys
# Changelog

## [2.0.0] 2022-07-17

### Added Breaking!
- `insert` now matches behavior of built-in `insert`
- Old `insert` has been renamed to `insert_checked`

## [1.1.0] 2022-06-11

### Added 
- Implement Default for IntMap [@roman-kashitsyn] 
- Added `set_load_factor`

### Fixed
- PartialEq implementation checked inclusion, not equality [@roman-kashitsyn] 

### Changed
- Change default load factor to 90.9

## [1.0.0] 2022-06-10
- Bump to 1.0 as we are feature complete!

### Added 
- Added Entry api [@jakoschiko] 

## [0.8.0] 2022-06-09

### Added 
- Added changelog!
- Add support for Serde behind "serde" feature flag, disabled by default [@roman-kashitsyn] 

### Changed
- Improve documentation of `insert` [@jakoschiko]
- Various code modernizations [@chinoto]