This is the core abstraction used across the implementation.
Inspired by tower, all of the components of this implementation are "services" that take a request type and asynchronously return a result. Every component uses the same interface so that services can be reused and combined into different bundles of functionality.
The Interledger service traits use requests that contain
ILP Prepare packets and the related from
and asynchronously return either an ILP Fullfill or Reject packet.
Implementations of Stores (wrappers around
databases) can attach additional information to the Account records,
which are then passed through the service chain.
Example Service Bundles
The following examples illustrate how different Services can be chained together to create different bundles of functionality.
SPSP Sender
SPSP Client --> ValidatorService --> RouterService --> HttpOutgoingService
HttpServerService --> ValidatorService --> RouterService --> BalanceAndExchangeRateService --> ValidatorService --> HttpOutgoingService
STREAM Receiver
HttpServerService --> ValidatorService --> StreamReceiverService