[][src]Macro insta::assert_serialized_snapshot_matches

macro_rules! assert_serialized_snapshot_matches {
    ($name:expr, $value:expr) => { ... };
    ($name:expr, $value:expr, {$($k:expr => $v:expr),*}) => { ... };

Assets a Serialize snapshot in YAML format.

The value needs to implement the serde::Serialize trait and the snapshot will be serialized in YAML format. This does mean that unlike the debug snapshot variant the type of the value does not appear in the output. You can however use the assert_ron_snapshot_matches! macro to dump out the value in RON format which retains some type information for more accurate comparisions.


This example is not tested
assert_serialized_snapshot_matches!("snapshot_name", vec[1, 2, 3]);

Unlike the assert_debug_snapshot_matches macro, this one has a secondary mode where redactions can be defined.

The third argument to the macro can be an object expression for redaction. It's in the form { selector => replacement }. For more information about redactions see redactions.


This example is not tested
assert_serialized_snapshot_matches!("name", value, {
    ".key.to.redact" => "[replacement value]",
    ".another.key.*.to.redact" => 42

The replacement value can be a string, integer or any other primitive value.