[][src]Crate inline_spirv


The first string is always your shader path or the source code, depending on the macro you use. Other following parameters give you finer control over the compilation process:

inline-spirv currently support two source languages:

  • glsl: The shader source is in GLSL;
  • hlsl: The shader source is in HLSL.

And the following shader stages:

  • vert: Vertex shader;
  • tesc: Tessellation control shader (Hull shader);
  • tese: Tessellation evaluation shader (Domain shader);
  • geom: Geometry shader;
  • frag: Fragment shader (Pixel shader);
  • comp: Compute shader.

You can also specify the entry function name (main by default):

This example is not tested
include_spirv!("path/to/shader.hlsl", hlsl, vert, entry="very_main");

If you are just off your work being tooooo tired to specify the descriptor binding points yourself, you can switch on auto_bind:

This example is not tested
    #version 450 core
    uniform sampler2D limap;
    uniform sampler2D emit_map;
    void main() {}
"#, glsl, frag, auto_bind);

To decide how much you want the SPIR-V to be optimized:

  • min_size: Optimize for the minimal output size;
  • max_perf: Optimize for the best performance;
  • no_debug: Strip off all the debug information (don't do this if you want to reflect the SPIR-V and get variable names).

You can use #include "x.h" to include a file relative to the shader source file (you cannot use this in inline source); or you can use #include <x.h> to include a file relative to any of your provided include directories (searched in order). To specify a include directory:

This example is not tested
include_spirv!("path/to/shader.glsl", vert,
    I "path/to/shader-headers/",
    I "path/to/also-shader-headers/");

You can also define macro substitutions:

This example is not tested
include_spirv!("path/to/shader.glsl", vert,

Of course once you started to use macro is basically means that you are getting so dynamic that this little crate might not be enough. Then it might be a good time to build your own shader compilation pipeline!



Compile external shader source and embed the SPIR-V binary word sequence. Returns a &'static [u32].


Compile inline shader source and embed the SPIR-V binary word sequence. Returns a &'static [u32].