Crate init_array[][src]

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A library for initializing arrays itemwise.

Normally, when using fixed size arrays, you can only initialize them with a const value. Example:

// Literals work.
let arr = [0; 5];

// Const values work too.
const STRING: String = String::new();
let arr = [STRING; 5];
// Function calls don't work.
let arr = [computation(); 5];

there are a few different ways of initializing an array itemwise, including:

  • Using an array of Options, initializing them all to None and then initializing each one to Some(computation()).
  • Using a Vec and incrementally pushing items to it.
  • Using an array of MaybeUninits, gradually initializing them and then transmuting the array. This requires usage of unsafe code.

This crate uses the third method but hides it behind a safe interface, so that no unsafe code is needed on the User end. It provides three functions to initialize arrays itemwise:

If you have the nightly feature enabled, you will have access to additional versions of the init_boxed_... functions compliant with the new Allocator API.

All of these functions share the property that, if the initialization of any item panics (i.e. if the stack unwinds), all the already initialized items are dropped, minimizing the risk of a memory leak.



Initialize a fixed-sized stack-based array.


Initialize a fixed-sized heap-allocated array.


Initialize a dynamically-sized heap-allocated slice.