
Append Endorser to an existing request.

Append transaction author agreement acceptance data to a request. This function should be called before signing and sending a request if there is any transaction author agreement set on the Ledger.

Builds a SET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT_AML request. Request to add a new list of acceptance mechanisms for transaction author agreement. Acceptance Mechanism is a description of the ways how the user may accept a transaction author agreement.

Builds an ATTRIB request. Request to add attribute to a NYM record.

Builds a AUTH_RULE request. Request to change authentication rules for a ledger transaction.

Builds a AUTH_RULES request. Request to change multiple authentication rules for a ledger transaction.

Builds an CRED_DEF request. Request to add a Credential Definition (in particular, public key), that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.

Builds a DISABLE_ALL_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMTS request. Request to disable all Transaction Author Agreement on the ledger.

Builds a GET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT_AML request. Request to get a list of acceptance mechanisms from the ledger valid for specified time or the latest one.

Builds a GET_ATTRIB request. Request to get information about an Attribute for the specified DID.

Builds a GET_AUTH_RULE request. Request to get authentication rules for a ledger transaction.

Builds a GET_CRED_DEF request. Request to get a Credential Definition (in particular, public key), that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Schema.

Builds a request to get a DDO.

Request to get list of frozen ledgers.

Builds a GET_NYM request. Request to get information about a DID (NYM).

Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to get a revocation registry definition, that Issuer creates for a particular Credential Definition.

Builds a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA request. Request to get the delta of the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry. The Delta is defined by from and to timestamp fields. If from is not specified, then the whole state till to will be returned.

Builds a GET_REVOC_REG request. Request to get the accumulated state of the Revocation Registry by ID. The state is defined by the given timestamp.

Builds a GET_SCHEMA request. Request to get Credential’s Schema.

Builds a GET_TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT request. Request to get a specific Transaction Author Agreement from the ledger.

Builds a GET_TXN request. Request to get any transaction by its seq_no.

Builds a GET_VALIDATOR_INFO request.

Request to freeze list of ledgers.

Builds a NODE request. Request to add a new node to the pool, or updates existing in the pool.

Builds a NYM request. Request to create a new NYM record for a specific user.

Builds a POOL_CONFIG request. Request to change Pool’s configuration.

Builds a POOL_RESTART request.

Builds a POOL_UPGRADE request. Request to upgrade the Pool (sent by Trustee). It upgrades the specified Nodes (either all nodes in the Pool, or some specific ones).

Builds a REVOC_REG_DEF request. Request to add the definition of revocation registry to an exists credential definition.

Builds a REVOC_REG_ENTRY request. Request to add the RevocReg entry containing the new accumulator value and issued/revoked indices. This is just a delta of indices, not the whole list. So, it can be sent each time a new credential is issued/revoked.

Builds a SCHEMA request. Request to add Credential’s schema.

Builds a TXN_AUTHR_AGRMT request. Request to add a new version of Transaction Author Agreement to the ledger.

Parse transaction response to fetch metadata. The important use case for this method is validation of Node’s response freshens.

Multi signs request message.

Parse a GET_CRED_DEF response to get Credential Definition in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

Parse a GET_NYM response to get NYM data.

Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DEF response to get Revocation Registry Definition in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

Parse a GET_REVOC_REG_DELTA response to get Revocation Registry Delta in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

Parse a GET_REVOC_REG response to get Revocation Registry in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

Parse a GET_SCHEMA response to get Schema in the format compatible with Anoncreds API.

Signs and submits request message to validator pool.

Signs request message.

Publishes request message to validator pool (no signing, unlike sign_and_submit_request).