Module indy::api::anoncreds [] [src]



Create keys (both primary and revocation) for the given schema and signature type (currently only CL signature type is supported). Store the keys together with signature type and schema in a secure wallet as a claim definition. The claim definition in the wallet is identifying by a returned unique key.


Create a new revocation registry for the given claim definition. Stores it in a secure wallet identifying by the returned key.


Signs a given claim for the given user by a given key (claim ef). The corresponding claim definition and revocation registry must be already created an stored into the wallet.


Revokes a user identified by a revoc_id in a given revoc-registry. The corresponding claim definition and revocation registry must be already created an stored into the wallet.


Creates a clam request json for the given claim offer and stores it in a secure wallet. The claim offer contains the information about Issuer (DID, schema_seq_no), and the schema (schema_seq_no). The method gets public key and schema from the ledger, stores them in a wallet, and creates a blinded master secret for a master secret identified by a provided name. The master secret identified by the name must be already stored in the secure wallet (see prover_create_master_secret) The blinded master secret is a part of the claim request.


Creates a master secret with a given name and stores it in the wallet. The name must be unique.


Creates a proof according to the given proof request Either a corresponding claim with optionally revealed attributes or self-attested attribute must be provided for each requested attribute (see indy_prover_get_claims_for_pool_req). A proof request may request multiple claims from different schemas and different issuers. All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided. The proof request also contains nonce. The proof contains either proof or self-attested attribute value for each requested attribute.


Gets all stored claim offers (see prover_store_claim_offer). A filter can be specified to get claim offers for specific Issuer, claim_def or schema only.


Gets human readable claims according to the filter. If filter is NULL, then all claims are returned. Claims can be filtered by Issuer, claim_def and/or Schema.


Gets human readable claims matching the given proof request.


Updates the claim by a master secret and stores in a secure wallet. The claim contains the information about schema_seq_no, issuer_did, revoc_reg_seq_no (see issuer_create_claim). Seq_no is a sequence number of the corresponding transaction in the ledger. The method loads a blinded secret for this key from the wallet, updates the claim and stores it in a wallet.


Stores a claim offer from the given issuer in a secure storage.


Verifies a proof (of multiple claim). All required schemas, public keys and revocation registries must be provided.