indexer 0.1.5

This crate allows you to create an index (a multi-value sorted map) based on serde json values.

Json Indexer

multi value indexer for a json object.

this crate allows to create a sorted map of json objects based on the dot path, its similar to what a database like mongodb will generate and index based on the path given, this crate is meant to be used in creating no sql databases. This library was created to be used as indexing structure for escanordb.

Road to 0.2 : TODO

  • Basic Query support
    • Operators eq lt gt
    • limit query output
    • like (MS SQL LIKE *ja*)
  • Compound queries
  • Order by

Version 0.1.5


  • Basic queries check below for documentation


Single index

This example demonstrates how you can use json indexer to index a json value

    use indexer::{Indexer, IndexString, Index, IndexOrd, BatchTransaction};
    use serde_json::Value;

    let string_indexer = Indexer::String(IndexString {
        ordering: IndexOrd::ASC

    let mut names_index = Index::new(string_indexer);
    names_index.batch(|b| {
        b.insert("user.1".to_owned(), Value::String("Kwadwo".to_string()));
        b.insert("user.2".to_owned(), Value::String("Kwame".to_string()));
        b.insert("user.3".to_owned(), Value::String("Joseph".to_string()));
        b.insert("user.4".to_owned(), Value::String("Jake".to_string()));
        b.insert("user.5".to_owned(), Value::String("Mambisi".to_string()));
        b.insert("user.6".to_owned(), Value::String("Ama".to_string()));

    "user.6": String("Ama"),
    "user.4": String("Jake"),
    "user.3": String("Joseph"),
    "user.1": String("Kwadwo"),
    "user.2": String("Kwame"),
    "user.5": String("Mambisi")
    let res = names_index.find_all("*", "like", Value::String("k*".to_string()));
    println!("users whose name starts with K: {:?}",;
/* outputs
users whose name starts with K: {"user.8": String("Kwadwo"), "user.1": String("Kwadwo"), "user.2": String("Kwame")}

Multi index with dot path

This example demonstrates how you can use json indexer to index a full json object using multiple dot paths

    let mut students: HashMap<String, Student> = HashMap::new();
    students.insert("student:0".to_owned(), Student {
        name: "Mambisi".to_owned(),
        age: 21,
        state : "CA".to_owned(),
        gpa: 3.1,
    students.insert("student:1".to_owned(), Student {
        name: "Joseph".to_owned(),
        age: 12,
        state : "CA".to_owned(),
        gpa: 3.1,
    students.insert("student:2".to_owned(), Student {
        name: "Elka".to_owned(),
        age: 12,
        state : "FL".to_owned(),
        gpa: 4.0,

    students.insert("student:18".to_owned(), Student {
        name: "Alex".to_owned(),
        age: 15,
        state : "NY".to_owned(),
        gpa: 3.7,

    students.insert("student:18".to_owned(), Student {
        name: "Jackson".to_owned(),
        age: 17,
        state : "NY".to_owned(),
        gpa: 3.8,

    let gpa_order = JsonPathOrder {
        path: "gpa".to_string(),
        ordering: IndexOrd::DESC,

    let name_order = JsonPathOrder {
        path: "name".to_string(),
        ordering: IndexOrd::ASC,

    let state_order = JsonPathOrder {
        path: "state".to_string(),
        ordering: IndexOrd::ASC,

    let indexer = Indexer::Json(IndexJson {
        path_orders: vec![name_order, gpa_order, state_order]

    let mut students_index = Index::new(indexer);

    students_index.batch(|b| {
        &students.iter().for_each(|(k, v)| {
            let json = serde_json::to_value(v).unwrap_or(Value::Null);
            b.insert(k.to_owned(), json);

/* Outputs
    "student:2": Object({"age": Number(12), "gpa": Number(4.0), "name": String("Elka"), "state": String("FL")}),
    "student:18": Object({"age": Number(17), "gpa": Number(3.8), "name": String("Jackson"), "state": String("NY")}),
    "student:1": Object({"age": Number(12), "gpa": Number(3.1), "name": String("Joseph"), "state": String("CA")}),
    "student:0": Object({"age": Number(21), "gpa": Number(3.1), "name": String("Mambisi"), "state": String("CA")})

    let query = students_index.find_all("state", "eq", Value::String("CA".to_string()));
    println!("Find all students in CA: {:?}",;
Find all students in CA: {
"student:1": Object({"age": Number(12), "gpa": Number(3.1), "name": String("Joseph"), "state": String("CA")}),
"student:0": Object({"age": Number(21), "gpa": Number(3.1), "name": String("Mambisi"), "state": String("CA")})

    let query = students_index.find_all("gpa", "gt", Value::from(3.5));
    println!("Find all students whose gpa greater than 3.5: {:?}",;
Find all students whose gpa greater than 3.5: {
"student:2": Object({"age": Number(12), "gpa": Number(4.0), "name": String("Elka"), "state": String("FL")}),
"student:18": Object({"age": Number(17), "gpa": Number(3.8), "name": String("Jackson"), "state": String("NY")})