imxrt-hal 0.2.1-alpha

Hardware abstraction layer for all NXP i.MX RT microcontrollers failed to build imxrt-hal-0.2.1-alpha
Please check the build logs for more information.
See Builds for ideas on how to fix a failed build, or Metadata for how to configure builds.
If you believe this is' fault, open an issue.
Visit the last successful build: imxrt-hal-0.5.4


This project provides a Rust HAL (hardware abstraction layer) for all NXP i.MX RT microcontrollers based on the imxrt-ral crate.

A feature flag needs to be set for any of the supported i.MX RT SoC.

What is it?

imxrt-hal is an experiment into a lightweight hardware abstraction layer. It provides access to some of the peripherals of the i.MX RT series processors from NXP using embedded-hal and other community driven hardware APIs.

The main aims are fast compilation, compactness, and simplicity.

Please consider trying it out and contributing or leaving feedback!


  • Simple to use and hard to use incorrectly
  • All peripherals and busses supported
  • Support the entire i.MX RT Series with a single crate to maximize code reuse