imap 0.9.1

IMAP client for Rust


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This crate lets you connect to and interact with servers that implement the IMAP protocol (RFC 3501). After authenticating with the server, IMAP lets you list, fetch, and search for e-mails, as well as monitor mailboxes for changes.

To connect, use the imap::connect function. This gives you an unauthenticated imap::Client. You can then use Client::login or Client::authenticate to perform username/password or challenge/response authentication respectively. This in turn gives you an authenticated Session, which lets you access the mailboxes at the server.

Below is a basic client example. See the examples/ directory for more.

extern crate imap;
extern crate native_tls;

fn fetch_inbox_top() -> imap::error::Result<Option<String>> {
    let domain = "";
    let tls = native_tls::TlsConnector::builder().build().unwrap();

    // we pass in the domain twice to check that the server's TLS
    // certificate is valid for the domain we're connecting to.
    let client = imap::connect((domain, 993), domain, &tls).unwrap();

    // the client we have here is unauthenticated.
    // to do anything useful with the e-mails, we need to log in
    let mut imap_session = client
        .login("", "password")
        .map_err(|e| e.0)?;

    // we want to fetch the first email in the INBOX mailbox"INBOX")?;

    // fetch message number 1 in this mailbox, along with its RFC822 field.
    // RFC 822 dictates the format of the body of e-mails
    let messages = imap_session.fetch("1", "RFC822")?;
    let message = if let Some(m) = messages.iter().next() {
    } else {
        return Ok(None);

    // extract the message's body
    let body = message.rfc822().expect("message did not have a body!");
    let body = std::str::from_utf8(body)
        .expect("message was not valid utf-8")

    // be nice to the server and log out



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