initSidebarItems({"fn":[["cumulative_histogram","Returns the cumulative histogram of grayscale values in an 8bpp grayscale image."],["equalize_histogram","Equalises the histogram of an 8bpp grayscale image."],["equalize_histogram_mut","Equalises the histogram of an 8bpp grayscale image in place."],["histogram","Returns the histogram of grayscale values in an 8bpp grayscale image."],["match_histogram","Adjusts contrast of an 8bpp grayscale image so that its histogram is as close as possible to that of the target image."],["match_histogram_mut","Adjusts contrast of an 8bpp grayscale image in place so that its histogram is as close as possible to that of the target image."],["otsu_level","Returns the Otsu threshold level of an 8bpp image. This threshold will optimally binarize an image that contains two classes of pixels which have distributions with equal variances. For details see: Xu, X., et al. Pattern recognition letters 32.7 (2011)"],["threshold","Returns a binarized image from an input 8bpp grayscale image obtained by applying the given threshold."],["threshold_mut","Mutates given image to form a binarized version produced by applying the given threshold."]]});