initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ColFmt","Color format – determines color type and channel order."],["ColType","Color type – these are categories of color formats."],["Error","Error."]],"fn":[["read","Reads an image and converts it to requested format."],["read_from","Like `read` but reads from a reader."],["read_info","Returns width, height and color type of the image."],["read_info_from","Like `read_info` but reads from a reader. If it fails, it seeks back to where started."],["write","Writes an image and converts it to requested color type."],["write_region","Writes a region of an image and converts it to requested color type."]],"mod":[["bmp",""],["jpeg",""],["png",""],["tga",""]],"struct":[["Image","Image struct returned from the read functions."],["Info","Holds basic info about an image."]],"trait":[["Sample","This is only public because it's used as a bound in pub items."]],"type":[["Result","The type returned from all the functions."]]});