initSidebarItems({"enum":[["FilterType","Available Sampling Filters"]],"fn":[["blur","Performs a Gaussian blur on the supplied image. ```sigma``` is a measure of how much to blur by."],["crop","Return a mutable view into an image"],["filter3x3","Perform a 3x3 box filter on the supplied image. ```kernel``` is an array of the filter weights of length 9."],["flip_horizontal","Flip an image horizontally"],["flip_vertical","Flip an image vertically"],["overlay","Overlay an image at a given coordinate (x, y)"],["replace","Replace the contents of an image at a given coordinate (x, y)"],["resize","Resize the supplied image to the specified dimensions ```nwidth``` and ```nheight``` are the new dimensions. ```filter``` is the sampling filter to use."],["rotate180","Rotate an image 180 degrees clockwise."],["rotate270","Rotate an image 270 degrees clockwise."],["rotate90","Rotate an image 90 degrees clockwise."],["unsharpen","Performs an unsharpen mask on the supplied image ```sigma``` is the amount to blur the image by. ```threshold``` is the threshold for the difference between see"]],"mod":[["colorops","Public only because of Rust bug: Functions for altering and converting the color of pixelbufs"]]});