Crate im [] [src]

Immutable Data Structures for Rust

This library implements several of the more commonly useful immutable data structures for Rust. They rely on structural sharing to keep most operations fast without needing to mutate the underlying data store, leading to more predictable code without necessarily sacrificing performance.

Because Rust is not a garbage collected language, and immutable data structures generally rely on some sort of garbage collection, values inside these data structures are kept inside Arcs. Methods will generally accept either owned values or Arcs and perform conversion as needed, but you'll have to expect to receive Arcs when iterating or performing lookup operations. All caveats about using reference counted values apply in general (eg. reference counting is simplistic and doesn't detect loops).

A design goal of this library is to make using immutable data structures as easy as it is in higher level languages, but obviously there's only so much you can do. Methods will generally attempt to coerce argument values where they can: where an Arc is called for, it will be able to utilise From implementations to coerce values into Arcs on the fly.

It's also been a design goal to provide as complete an API as possible, which in a practical sense has meant going over the equivalent implementations for Haskell to ensure the API covers the same set of use cases. This obviously doesn't include things like Foldable and Functor which aren't yet expressible in Rust, but in these cases we've tried to make sure Rust iterators are able to perform the same tasks.

Care has been taken to use method names similar to those in Rust over those used in the source material (largely Haskell) where possible (eg. List::new() rather than List::empty(), Map::get() rather than Map::lookup()). Where Rust equivalents don't exist, terminology tends to follow Haskell where the Haskell isn't too confusing, or, when it is, we provide more readily understandable aliases (because we wouldn't want to deprive the user of their enjoyment of the word 'snoc,' even though it's reportedly not a readily intuitive term).


pub use conslist::ConsList;
pub use map::Map;
pub use set::Set;
pub use queue::Queue;
pub use list::List;
pub use iter::unfold;



A cons list.


Iterators over immutable data.


A view into a data structure.


A catenable list.


An ordered map.


A strict queue.


An ordered set.




Construct a list from a sequence of elements.


Construct a lens into a struct, or a series of structs.


Construct a list from a sequence of elements.


Construct a map from a sequence of key/value pairs.


Construct a set from a sequence of values.