ift 0.2.0

A library to read template strings for local network interfaces
ift-0.2.0 doesn't have any documentation.

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IFT (interface templates)

Template strings to extract the correct interface and IpAddr to bind your to

Heavily inspired by https://github.com/hashicorp/go-sockaddr

Most of the time you are going to want to use the eval function to evaluate a template.

The template is a string that starts with a producer and is followed by filters and sorts each of which is pipe | delimited. eval returns a vector of IpAddr objects that can then be used to bind to.

Sometimes it makes more sense to bind to a single address. The evals function helps with this, by expecting everything will go smoothly and returning and Optional<IpAddr>

To regenerate the rfc code

make gen

To Update README

make update

To Release

You can use the cargo release command.

cargo release patch

License: MIT