Crate id3[][src]

Expand description

A library to read and write ID3v2 tags. ID3 versions v2.2, v2.3, and v2.4 are supported.

Reading tag frames

use id3::{Tag, Version};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let tag = Tag::read_from_path("testdata/id3v24.id3")?;

    // Get a bunch of frames...
    if let Some(artist) = tag.artist() {
        println!("artist: {}", artist);
    if let Some(title) = tag.title() {
        println!("title: {}", title);
    if let Some(album) = tag.album() {
        println!("album: {}", album);

    // Get frames before getting their content for more complex tags.
    if let Some(artist) = tag.get("TPE1").and_then(|frame| frame.content().text()) {
        println!("artist: {}", artist);

Modifying an existing tag.

use id3::{Tag, Version};

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut tag = Tag::read_from_path("music.mp3")?;
    tag.set_album("Fancy Album Title");

    tag.write_to_path("music.mp3", Version::Id3v24)?;

Creating a new tag, overwriting any old tag.

use id3::{Tag, Frame, Version};
use id3::frame::Content;

fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let mut tag = Tag::new();
    tag.set_album("Fancy Album Title");

    // Set the album the hard way.
    tag.add_frame(Frame::with_content("TALB", Content::Text("album".to_string())));

    tag.write_to_path("music.mp3", Version::Id3v24)?;


  • ID3v2.2
  • ID3v2.3
  • ID3v2.4


pub use crate::frame::Frame;


Contains types and methods for operating on ID3 frames.

Utilities for working with ID3v1 tags.


The Encoder may be used to encode tags.

A structure able to represent any error that may occur while performing metadata operations.

An ID3 tag containing metadata frames.

Represents a date and time according to the ID3v2.4 spec:


The decoded contents of a frame.

Kinds of errors that may occur while performing metadata operations.

Denotes the version of a tag.

Type Definitions

Type alias for the result of tag operations.