Crate iced_audio

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Iced Audio is an extension to the Iced GUI library with useful widgets for audio applications such as VST / LV2 plugins.


Add iced_audio as dependency in your Cargo.toml:

iced_audio = "0.7"

Or if you want to use the GitHub version of iced:

iced_audio = { git = "", branch = "iced_git" }

Both Iced Audio and Iced move fast and the main and iced_git branch can contain breaking changes! If you want to learn about a specific release, check out [the release list].

Simple Usage Example

This crate assumes you know the basics of how to use Iced. If you haven’t already, please check it out here.

// Import iced modules.
use iced::widget::{column, container, text};
use iced::{Alignment, Element, Length, Sandbox, Settings};
// Import iced_audio modules.
use iced_audio::{
    tick_marks, FloatRange, FreqRange, HSlider, IntRange, Knob, LogDBRange,
    Normal, NormalParam, VSlider, XYPad,

// The message when a parameter widget is moved by the user
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum Message {
    XYPadFloat(Normal, Normal),

pub fn main() {

pub struct App {
    // The ranges handle converting the input/output of a parameter to and from
    // a usable value.
    // There are 4 built-in options available for a range:
    // * FloatRange - a linear range of f32 values
    // * IntRange - a discrete range of i32 values. This will cause the widget
    // to "step" when moved.
    // * LogDBRange - a logarithmic range of decibel values. Values around 0 dB
    // will increment slower than values farther away from 0 dB.
    // * FreqRange - a logarithmic range of frequency values. Each octave in
    // the 10 octave spectrum (from 20 Hz to 20480 Hz) is spaced evenly.
    float_range: FloatRange,
    int_range: IntRange,
    db_range: LogDBRange,
    freq_range: FreqRange,

    // The parameters of the widgets.
    h_slider_param: NormalParam,
    v_slider_param: NormalParam,
    knob_param: NormalParam,
    xy_pad_x_param: NormalParam,
    xy_pad_y_param: NormalParam,

    // A group of tick marks with their size and position.
    center_tick_mark: tick_marks::Group,

    output_text: String,

impl Sandbox for App {
    type Message = Message;

    fn new() -> App {
        // Initalize each range:
        let float_range = FloatRange::default_bipolar();
        let int_range = IntRange::new(0, 10);
        let db_range = LogDBRange::new(-12.0, 12.0, Normal::CENTER);
        let freq_range = FreqRange::default();

        App {
            // Add the ranges.

            // Initialize the state of the widgets with a normalized parameter
            // that has a value and a default value.
            h_slider_param: int_range.normal_param(5, 5),
            v_slider_param: db_range.default_normal_param(),
            knob_param: freq_range.normal_param(1000.0, 1000.0),
            xy_pad_x_param: float_range.default_normal_param(),
            xy_pad_y_param: float_range.default_normal_param(),

            // Add a tick mark at the center position with the tier 2 size
            center_tick_mark: tick_marks::Group::center(tick_marks::Tier::Two),

            output_text: "Move a widget!".into(),

    fn title(&self) -> String {
        format!("Simple Example - Iced Audio")

    fn update(&mut self, event: Message) {
        match event {
            // Retrieve the value by mapping the normalized value of the parameter
            // to the corresponding range.
            // Now do something useful with that value!
            Message::HSliderInt(normal) => {
                // Integer parameters must be snapped to make the widget "step" when moved.

                let value = self.int_range.unmap_to_value(normal);
                self.output_text = format!("HSliderInt: {}", value);
            Message::VSliderDB(normal) => {

                let value = self.db_range.unmap_to_value(normal);
                self.output_text = format!("VSliderDB: {:.3}", value);
            Message::KnobFreq(normal) => {

                let value = self.freq_range.unmap_to_value(normal);
                self.output_text = format!("KnobFreq: {:.2}", value);
            Message::XYPadFloat(normal_x, normal_y) => {

                let value_x = self.float_range.unmap_to_value(normal_x);
                let value_y = self.float_range.unmap_to_value(normal_y);
                self.output_text =
                    format!("XYPadFloat: x: {:.2}, y: {:.2}", value_x, value_y);

    fn view(&self) -> Element<Message> {
        // Create each parameter widget, passing in the current state of the widget.
        let h_slider_widget =
            HSlider::new(self.h_slider_param, Message::HSliderInt)
                // Add the tick mark group to this widget.

        let v_slider_widget =
            VSlider::new(self.v_slider_param, Message::VSliderDB)

        let knob_widget =
            Knob::new(self.knob_param, Message::KnobFreq);

        let xy_pad_widget = XYPad::new(

        // Push the widgets into the iced DOM
        let content = column![



  • pub use crate::core::*;
  • pub use platform::*;


  • The core module of Iced Audio.
  • A wgpu renderer for Iced Audio widgets
  • A renderer-agnostic native GUI runtime for Iced Audio.
  • Various styles for widgets