iced 0.12.1

A cross-platform GUI library inspired by Elm
# Changelog
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](

## [Unreleased]
### Added
- `fetch_position` command in `window` module. [#2280]

Many thanks to...

- @n1ght-hunter

## [0.12.1] - 2024-02-22
### Added
- `extend` and `from_vec` methods for `Column` and `Row`. [#2264]
- `PartialOrd`, `Ord`, and `Hash` implementations for `keyboard::Modifiers`. [#2270]
- `clipboard` module in `advanced` module. [#2272]
- Default `disabled` style for `checkbox` and `hovered` style for `Svg`. [#2273]
- `From<u16>` and `From<i32>` implementations for `border::Radius`. [#2274]
- `size_hint` method for `Component` trait. [#2275]

### Fixed
- Black images when using OpenGL backend in `iced_wgpu`. [#2259]
- Documentation for `horizontal_space` and `vertical_space` helpers. [#2265]
- WebAssembly platform. [#2271]
- Decouple `Key` from `keyboard::Modifiers` and apply them to `text` in `KeyboardInput`. [#2238]
- Text insertion not being prioritized in `TextInput` and `TextEditor`. [#2278]

Many thanks to...

- @PolyMeilex
- @rizzen-yazston
- @wash2

## [0.12.0] - 2024-02-15
### Added
- Multi-window support. [#1964]
- `TextEditor` widget (or multi-line text input). [#2123]
- `Shader` widget. [#2085]
- Shadows. [#1882]
- Vectorial text for `Canvas`. [#2204]
- Layout consistency. [#2192]
- Explicit text caching. [#2058]
- Gradients in Oklab color space. [#2055]
- `Themer` widget. [#2209]
- `Transform` primitive. [#2120]
- Cut functionality for `TextEditor`. [#2215]
- Primary clipboard support. [#2240]
- Disabled state for `Checkbox`. [#2109]
- `skip_taskbar` window setting for Windows. [#2211]
- `fetch_maximized` and `fetch_minimized` commands in `window`. [#2189]
- `run_with_handle` command in `window`. [#2200]
- `show_system_menu` command in `window`. [#2243]
- `text_shaping` method for `Tooltip`. [#2172]
- `interaction` method for `MouseArea`. [#2207]
- `hovered` styling for `Svg` widget. [#2163]
- `height` method for `TextEditor`. [#2221]
- Customizable style for `TextEditor`. [#2159]
- Customizable style for `QRCode`. [#2229]
- Border width styling for `Toggler`. [#2219]
- `RawText` variant for `Primitive` in `iced_graphics`. [#2158]
- `Stream` support for `Command`. [#2150]
- Access to bounds/content bounds from a `Scrollable` viewport. [#2072]
- `Frame::scale_nonuniform` method. [#2070]
- `theme::Custom::with_fn` to generate completely custom themes. [#2067]
- `style` attribute for `Font`. [#2041]
- Texture filtering options for `Image`. [#1894]
- `default` and `shift_step` methods for `slider` widgets. [#2100]
- `Custom` variant to `command::Action`. [#2146]
- Mouse movement events for `MouseArea`. [#2147]
- Dracula, Nord, Solarized, and Gruvbox variants for `Theme`. [#2170]
- Catppuccin, Tokyo Night, Kanagawa, Moonfly, Nightfly and Oxocarbon variants for `Theme`. [#2233]
- `From<T> where T: Into<PathBuf>` for `svg::Handle`. [#2235]
- `on_open` and `on_close` handlers for `PickList`. [#2174]
- Support for generic `Element` in `Tooltip`. [#2228]
- Container and `gap` styling for `Scrollable`. [#2239]
- Use `Borrow` for both `options` and `selected` in PickList. [#2251]
- `clip` property for `Container`, `Column`, `Row`, and `Button`. #[2252]

### Changed
- Enable WebGPU backend in `wgpu` by default instead of WebGL. [#2068]
- Update `glyphon` to `0.4`. [#2203]
- Require `Send` on stored pipelines. [#2197]
- Update `wgpu` to `0.19`, `glyphon` to `0.5`, `softbuffer` to `0.4`, `window-clipboard` to `0.4`, and `raw-window-handle` to `0.6`. [#2191]
- Update `winit` to `0.29`. [#2169]
- Provide actual bounds to `Shader` primitives. [#2149]
- Deny warnings in `test` workflow. [#2135]
- Update `wgpu` to `0.18` and `cosmic-text` to `0.10`. [#2122]
- Compute vertex positions in the shader. [#2099]
- Migrate twox-hash -> xxhash-rust and switch to Xxh3 for better performance. [#2080]
- Add `keyboard` subscriptions and rename `subscription::events` to `event::listen`. [#2073]
- Use workspace dependencies and package inheritance. [#2069]
- Update `wgpu` to `0.17`. [#2065]
- Support automatic style type casting for `Button`. [#2046]
- Make `with_clip` and `with_save` in `Frame` able to return the data of the provided closure. [#1994]
- Use `Radians` for angle fields in `Arc` and `arc::Elliptical`. [#2027]
- Assert dimensions of quads are normal in `iced_tiny_skia`. [#2082]
- Remove `position` from `overlay::Element`. [#2226]
- Add a capacity limit to the `GlyphCache` in `iced_tiny_skia`. [#2210]
- Use pointer equality to speed up `PartialEq` implementation of `image::Bytes`. [#2220]
- Update `bitflags`, `glam`, `kurbo`, `ouroboros`, `qrcode`, and `sysinfo` dependencies. [#2227]
- Improve some widget ergonomics. [#2253]

### Fixed
- Clipping of `TextInput` selection. [#2199]
- `Paragraph::grapheme_position` when ligatures are present. [#2196]
- Docs to include missing feature tags. [#2184]
- `PaneGrid` click interaction on the top edge. [#2168]
- `iced_wgpu` not rendering text in SVGs. [#2161]
- Text clipping. [#2154]
- Text transparency in `iced_tiny_skia`. [#2250]
- Layout invalidation when `Tooltip` changes `overlay`. [#2143]
- `Overlay` composition. [#2142]
- Incorrect GIF for the `progress_bar` example. [#2141]
- Standalone compilation of `iced_renderer` crate. [#2134]
- Maximize window button enabled when `Settings::resizable` is `false`. [#2124]
- Width of horizontal scrollbar in `Scrollable`. [#2084]
- `ComboBox` widget panic on wasm. [#2078]
- Majority of unresolved documentation links. [#2077]
- Web examples not running. [#2076]
- GIFs and video examples broken. [#2074]
- `@interpolate(flat)` not used as attribute. [#2071]
- `Checkbox` and `Toggler` hidden behind scrollbar in `styling` example. [#2062]
- Absolute `LineHeight` sometimes being `0`. [#2059]
- Paste while holding ALT. [#2006]
- `Command<T>::perform` to return a `Command<T>`. [#2000]
- `convert_text` not called on `Svg` trees. [#1908]
- Unused `` file in renderer crate. [#2182]
- Some `clippy::pedantic` lints. [#2096]
- Some minor clippy fixes. [#2092]
- Clippy docs keyword quoting. [#2091]
- Clippy map transformations. [#2090]
- Inline format args for ease of reading. [#2089]
- Stuck scrolling in `Scrollable` with touch events. [#1940]
- Incorrect unit in `system::Information`. [#2223]
- `size_hint` not being called from `element::Map`. [#2224]
- `size_hint` not being called from `element::Explain`. [#2225]
- Slow touch scrolling for `TextEditor` widget. [#2140]
- `Subscription::map` using unreliable function pointer hash to identify mappers. [#2237]
- Missing feature flag docs for `time::every`. [#2188]
- Event loop not being resumed on Windows while resizing. [#2214]
- Alpha mode misconfiguration in `iced_wgpu`. [#2231]
- Outdated documentation leading to a dead link. [#2232]

Many thanks to...

- @akshayr-mecha
- @alec-deason
- @arslee07
- @AustinMReppert
- @avsaase
- @blazra
- @brianch
- @bungoboingo
- @Calastrophe
- @casperstorm
- @cfrenette
- @clarkmoody
- @Davidster
- @Decodetalkers
- @derezzedex
- @DoomDuck
- @dtzxporter
- @Dworv
- @fogarecious
- @GyulyVGC
- @hicaru
- @ids1024
- @Imberflur
- @jhannyj
- @jhff
- @jim-ec
- @joshuamegnauth54
- @jpttrssn
- @julianbraha
- @Koranir
- @lufte
- @matze
- @MichalLebeda
- @MoSal
- @MrAntix
- @nicksenger
- @Nisatru
- @nyurik
- @Remmirad
- @ripytide
- @snaggen
- @Tahinli
- @tarkah
- @tzemanovic
- @varbhat
- @william-shere
- @wyatt-herkamp

## [0.10.0] - 2023-07-28
### Added
- Text shaping, font fallback, and `iced_wgpu` overhaul. [#1697]
- Software renderer, runtime renderer fallback, and core consolidation. [#1748]
- Incremental rendering for `iced_tiny_skia`. [#1811]
- Configurable `LineHeight` support for text widgets. [#1828]
- `text::Shaping` strategy selection. [#1822]
- Subpixel glyph positioning and layout linearity. [#1921]
- Background gradients. [#1846]
- Offscreen rendering and screenshots. [#1845]
- Nested overlays. [#1719]
- Cursor availability. [#1904]
- Backend-specific primitives. [#1932]
- `ComboBox` widget. [#1954]
- `web-colors` feature flag to enable "sRGB linear" blending. [#1888]
- `PaneGrid` logic to split panes by drag & drop. [#1856]
- `PaneGrid` logic to drag & drop panes to the edges. [#1865]
- Type-safe `Scrollable` direction. [#1878]
- `Scrollable` alignment. [#1912]
- Helpers to change viewport alignment of a `Scrollable`. [#1953]
- `scroll_to` widget operation. [#1796]
- `scroll_to` helper. [#1804]
- `visible_bounds` widget operation for `Container`. [#1971]
- Command to fetch window size. [#1927]
- Conversion support from `Fn` trait to custom theme. [#1861]
- Configurable border radii on relevant widgets. [#1869]
- `border_radius` styling to `Slider` rail. [#1892]
- `application_id` in `PlatformSpecific` settings for Linux. [#1963]
- Aliased entries in `text::Cache`. [#1934]
- Text cache modes. [#1938]
- `operate` method for `program::State`. [#1913]
- `Viewport` argument to `Widget::on_event`. [#1956]
- Nix instructions to ``. [#1859]
- Loading spinners example. [#1902]
- Workflow that verifies `CHANGELOG` is always up-to-date. [#1970]
- Outdated mentions of `iced_native` in `README`. [#1979]

### Changed
- Updated `wgpu` to `0.16`. [#1807]
- Updated `glam` to `0.24`. [#1840]
- Updated `winit` to `0.28`. [#1738]
- Updated `palette` to `0.7`. [#1875]
- Updated `ouroboros` to `0.17`. [#1925]
- Updated `resvg` to `0.35` and `tiny-skia` to `0.10`. [#1907]
- Changed `mouse::Button::Other` to take `u16` instead of `u8`. [#1797]
- Changed `subscription::channel` to take a `FnOnce` non-`Sync` closure. [#1917]
- Removed `Copy` requirement for text `StyleSheet::Style`. [#1814]
- Removed `min_width` of 1 from scrollbar & scroller for `Scrollable`. [#1844]
- Used `Widget::overlay` for `Tooltip`. [#1692]

### Fixed
- `Responsive` layout not invalidated when shell layout is invalidated. [#1799]
- `Responsive` layout not invalidated when size changes without a `view` call. [#1890]
- Broken link in ``. [#1815]
- `bounds` of selected option background in `Menu`. [#1831]
- Border radius logic in `iced_tiny_skia`. [#1842]
- `Svg` filtered color not premultiplied. [#1841]
- Race condition when growing an `image::Atlas`. [#1847]
- Clearing damaged surface with background color in `iced_tiny_skia`. [#1854]
- Private gradient pack logic for `iced_graphics::Gradient`. [#1871]
- Unordered quads of different background types. [#1873]
- Panic in `glyphon` when glyphs are missing. [#1883]
- Empty scissor rectangle in `iced_wgpu::triangle` pipeline. [#1893]
- `Scrollable` scrolling when mouse not over it. [#1910]
- `translation` in `layout` of `Nested` overlay. [#1924]
- Build when using vendored dependencies. [#1928]
- Minor grammar mistake. [#1931]
- Quad rendering including border only inside of the bounds. [#1843]
- Redraw requests not being forwarded for `Component` overlays. [#1949]
- Blinking input cursor when window loses focus. [#1955]
- `BorderRadius` not exposed in root crate. [#1972]
- Outdated `ROADMAP`. [#1958]

### Patched
- Keybinds to cycle `ComboBox` options. [#1991]
- `Tooltip` overlay position inside `Scrollable`. [#1978]
- `iced_wgpu` freezing on empty layers. [#1996]
- `image::Viewer` reacting to any scroll event. [#1998]
- `TextInput` pasting text when `Alt` key is pressed. [#2006]
- Broken link to old `iced_native` crate in `README`. [#2024]
- `Rectangle::contains` being non-exclusive. [#2017]
- Documentation for `Arc` and `arc::Elliptical`. [#2008]

Many thanks to...

- @a1phyr
- @alec-deason
- @AustinMReppert
- @bbb651
- @bungoboingo
- @casperstorm
- @clarkmoody
- @Davidster
- @Drakulix
- @genusistimelord
- @GyulyVGC
- @ids1024
- @jhff
- @JonathanLindsey
- @kr105
- @marienz
- @malramsay64
- @nicksenger
- @nicoburns
- @NyxAlexandra
- @Redhawk18
- @RGBCube
- @rs017991
- @tarkah
- @thunderstorm010
- @ua-kxie
- @wash2
- @wiiznokes

## [0.9.0] - 2023-04-13
### Added
- `MouseArea` widget. [#1594]
- `channel` helper in `subscription`. [#1786]
- Configurable `width` for `Scrollable`. [#1749]
- Support for disabled `TextInput`. [#1744]
- Platform-specific window settings. [#1730]
- Left and right colors for sliders. [#1643]
- Icon for `TextInput`. [#1702]
- Mouse over scrollbar flag for `scrollable::StyleSheet`. [#1669]
- Better example for `Radio`. [#1762]

### Changed
- `wgpu` has been updated to `0.15` in `iced_wgpu`. [#1789]
- `resvg` has been updated to `0.29` in `iced_graphics`. [#1733]
- `subscription::run` now takes a function pointer. [#1723]

### Fixed
- Redundant `on_scroll` messages for `Scrollable`. [#1788]
- Outdated items in `` [#1782]
- Colons in shader labels causing compilation issues in `iced_wgpu`. [#1779]
- Re-expose winit features for window servers in Linux. [#1777]
- Replacement of application node in Wasm. [#1765]
- `clippy` lints for Rust 1.68. [#1755]
- Unnecessary `Component` rebuilds. [#1754]
- Incorrect package name in checkbox example docs. [#1750]
- Fullscreen only working on primary monitor. [#1742]
- `Padding::fit` on irregular values for an axis. [#1734]
- `Debug` implementation of `Font` displaying its bytes. [#1731]
- Sliders bleeding over their rail. [#1721]

### Removed
- `Fill` variant for `Alignment`. [#1735]

Many thanks to...

- @ahoneybun
- @bq-wrongway
- @bungoboingo
- @casperstorm
- @Davidster
- @ElhamAryanpur
- @FinnPerry
- @GyulyVGC
- @JungleTryne
- @lupd
- @mmstick
- @nicksenger
- @Night-Hunter-NF
- @tarkah
- @traxys
- @Xaeroxe

## [0.8.0] - 2023-02-18
### Added
- Generic pixel units. [#1711]
- `custom` method to `widget::Operation` trait. [#1649]
- `Group` overlay. [#1655]
- Standalone `draw` helper for `image`. [#1682]
- Dynamic `pick_list::Handle`. [#1675]
- `Id` support for `Container`. [#1695]
- Custom `Checkbox` icon support. [#1707]
- `window` action to change always on top setting. [#1587]
- `window` action to fetch its unique identifier. [#1589]

### Changed
- Annotated `Command` and `Subscription` with `#[must_use]`. [#1676]
- Replaced `Fn` with `FnOnce` in `canvas::Cache::draw`. [#1694]
- Used `[default]` on enum in `game_of_life` example. [#1660]
- Made `QRCode` hide when data is empty in `qr_code` example. [#1665]
- Replaced `Cow` with `Bytes` in `image` to accept any kind of data that implements `AsRef<[u8]>`. [#1551]

### Fixed
- Blank window on application startup. [#1698]
- Off-by-one pixel error on `pick_list` width. [#1679]
- Missing `text_input` implementation in `operation::Map`. [#1678]
- Widget-driven animations for `Component`. [#1685]
- Layout translation in `overlay::Group`. [#1686]
- Missing `is_over` implementation for overlays of `iced_lazy` widgets. [#1699]
- Panic when overlay event processing removes overlay. [#1700]
- Panic when using operations with components in certain cases. [#1701]
- `TextInput` width when using padding. [#1706]
- `iced_glow` crash on some hardware. [#1703]
- Height of `overlay::Menu`. [#1714]
- Size of images in `README`. [#1659]
- New `clippy` lints. [#1681]

Many thanks to...

- @13r0ck
- @bungoboingo
- @casperstorm
- @frey
- @greatest-ape
- @ids1024
- @Jedsek
- @nicksenger
- @Night-Hunter-NF
- @sdroege
- @Sn-Kinos
- @sushigiri
- @tarkah

## [0.7.0] - 2023-01-14
### Added
- Widget-driven animations. [#1647]
- Multidirectional scrolling support for `Scrollable`. [#1550]
- `VerticalSlider` widget. [#1596]
- `Shift+Click` text selection support in `TextInput`. [#1622]
- Profiling support with the `chrome-trace` feature. [#1565]
- Customization of the handle of a `PickList`. [#1562]
- `window` action to request user attention. [#1584]
- `window` action to gain focus. [#1585]
- `window` action to toggle decorations. [#1588]
- `Copy` implementation for `gradient::Location`. [#1636]

### Changed
- Replaced `Application::should_exit` with a `window::close` action. [#1606]
- Made `focusable::Count` fields public. [#1635]
- Added `Dependency` argument to the closure of `Lazy`. [#1646]
- Switched arguments order of `Toggler::new` for consistency. [#1616]
- Switched arguments order of `Checkbox::new` for consistency. [#1633]

### Fixed
- Compilation error in `iced_glow` when the `image` feature is enabled but `svg` isn't. [#1593]
- Widget operations for `Responsive` widget. [#1615]
- Overlay placement for `Responsive`. [#1638]
- `overlay` implementation for `Lazy`. [#1644]
- Minor typo in documentation. [#1624]
- Links in documentation. [#1634]
- Missing comment in documentation. [#1648]

Many thanks to...

- @13r0ck
- @Araxeus
- @ben-wallis
- @bungoboingo
- @casperstorm
- @nicksenger
- @Night-Hunter-NF
- @rpitasky
- @rs017991
- @tarkah
- @wiktor-k

## [0.6.0] - 2022-12-07
### Added
- Support for non-uniform border radius for `Primitive::Quad`. [#1506]
- Operation to query the current focused widget. [#1526]
- Additional operations for `TextInput`. [#1529]
- Styling support for `Svg`. [#1578]

### Changed
- Triangle geometry using a solid color is now drawn in a single draw call. [#1538]

### Fixed
- Gradients for WebAssembly target. [#1524]
- `Overlay` layout cache not being invalidated. [#1528]
- Operations not working for `PaneGrid`. [#1533]
- Mapped `widget::Operation` always returning `Outcome::None`. [#1536]
- Padding of `TextInput` with `Length::Units` width. [#1539]
- Clipping of `Image` and `Svg` widgets in `iced_glow`. [#1557]
- Invalid links in documentation. [#1560]
- `Custom` style of `PickList` widget. [#1570]
- Scroller in `Scrollable` always being drawn. [#1574]

Many thanks to...

- @bungoboingo
- @l1Dan
- @mmstick
- @mtkennerly
- @PolyMeilex
- @rksm
- @rs017991
- @tarkah
- @wash2

## [0.5.0] - 2022-11-10
### Added
- __[Stabilization of stateless widgets][stateless]__ (#1393)  
  The old widget API has been completely replaced by stateless widgets (introduced in #1284). Alongside the new API, there are a bunch of new helper functions and macros for easily describing view logic (like `row!` and `column!`).

- __[First-class theming][theming]__ (#1362)  
  A complete overhaul of our styling primitives, introducing a `Theme` as a first-class concept of the library.

- __[Widget operations][operations]__ (#1399)  
  An abstraction that can be used to traverse (and operate on) the widget tree of an application in order to query or update some widget state.

- __[`Lazy` widget][lazy]__ (#1400)  
  A widget that can call some view logic lazily only when some data has changed. Thanks to @nicksenger!

- __[Linear gradient support for `Canvas`][gradient]__ (#1448)  
  The `Canvas` widget can draw linear gradients now. Thanks to @bungoboingo!

- __[Touch support for `Canvas`][touch]__ (#1305)  
  The `Canvas` widget now supports touch events. Thanks to @artursapek!

- __[`Image` and `Svg` support for `iced_glow`][image]__ (#1485)  
  Our OpenGL renderer now is capable of rendering both the `Image` and `Svg` widgets. Thanks to @ids1024!


## [0.4.2] - 2022-05-03
### Fixed
- `Padding` type not exposed in `iced`.

## [0.4.1] - 2022-05-02
### Fixed
- Version number in `README`.

## [0.4.0] - 2022-05-02
### Added
- __[Stateless widgets][stateless]__ (#1284)  
  A brand new widget API that removes the need to keep track of internal widget state. No more `button::State` in your application!

- __[`Component` trait][component]__ (#1131)  
  A new trait to implement custom widgets with internal mutable state while using composition and [The Elm Architecture].

- __[`Responsive` widget][responsive]__ (#1193)  
  A widget that is aware of its dimensions and can be used to easily build responsive user interfaces.

- __[Experimental WebGL support][webgl]__ (#1096)  
  Applications can now be rendered into an HTML `canvas` when targeting Wasm by leveraging the WebGL support in [`wgpu`]. Thanks to @pacmancoder and @kaimast!

- __[Support for Raspberry Pis and older devices][raspberry]__ (#1160)  
  The compatibility of our OpenGL renderer has been improved and should run on any hardware that supports OpenGL 3.0+ or OpenGL ES 2.0+. Additionally, we started maintaining [Docker images for `aarch64` and `armv7`] to easily cross-compile `iced` applications and target Raspberry Pis. Thanks to @derezzedex!

- __[Simpler `Renderer` APIs][renderer_apis]__ (#1110)  
  The surface of the `Renderer` APIs of the library has been considerably reduced. Instead of a `Renderer` trait per widget, now there are only 3 traits that are reused by all the widgets.

[The Elm Architecture]:

## [0.3.0] - 2021-03-31
### Added
- Touch support. [#57] [#650] (thanks to @simlay and @discordance!)
- Clipboard write access for
  - `TextInput` widget. [#770]
  - `Application::update`. [#773]
- `image::Viewer` widget. It allows panning and scaling of an image. [#319] thanks to @tarkah!
- `Tooltip` widget. It annotates content with some text on mouse hover. [#465] thanks to @yusdacra!
- Support for the [`smol`] async runtime. [#699] thanks to @JayceFayne!
- Support for graceful exiting when using the `Application` trait. [#804]
- Image format features in [`iced_wgpu`] to reduce code bloat. [#392] thanks to @unrelentingtech!
- `Focused` and `Unfocused` variant to `window::Event`. [#701] thanks to @cossonleo!
- `WGPU_BACKEND` environment variable to configure the internal graphics backend of `iced_wgpu`. [#789] thanks to @Cupnfish!

### Changed
- The `TitleBar` of a `PaneGrid` now supports generic elements. [#657] thanks to @clarkmoody!
- The `Error` type now implements `Send` and `Sync`. [#719] thanks to @taiki-e!
- The `Style` types in `iced_style` now implement `Clone` and `Copy`. [#720] thanks to @taiki-e!
- The following dependencies have been updated:
  - [`font-kit`] → `0.10` [#669]
  - [`glutin`] → `0.26` [#658]
  - [`resvg`] → `0.12` [#669]
  - [`tokio`] → `1.0` [#672] thanks to @yusdacra!
  - [`winit`] → `0.24` [#658]
  - [`wgpu`] → `0.7` [#725] thanks to @PolyMeilex
- The following examples were improved:
  - `download_progress` now showcases multiple file downloads at once. [#283] thanks to @Folyd!
  - `solar_system` uses the new `rand` API. [#760] thanks to @TriedAngle!

### Fixed
- Button events not being propagated to contents. [#668]
- Incorrect overlay implementation for the `Button` widget. [#764]
- `Viewport::physical_width` returning the wrong value. [#700]
- Outdated documentation for the `Sandbox` trait. [#710]


## [0.2.0] - 2020-11-26
### Added
- __[`Canvas` interactivity][canvas]__ (#325)  
  A trait-based approach to react to mouse and keyboard interactions in [the `Canvas` widget][#193].

- __[`iced_graphics` subcrate][opengl]__ (#354)  
  A backend-agnostic graphics subcrate that can be leveraged to build new renderers.

- __[OpenGL renderer][opengl]__ (#354)  
  An OpenGL renderer powered by [`iced_graphics`], [`glow`], and [`glutin`]. It is an alternative to the default [`wgpu`] renderer.

- __[Overlay support][pick_list]__ (#444)  
  Basic support for superpositioning interactive widgets on top of other widgets.

- __[Faster event loop][view]__ (#597)  
  The event loop now takes advantage of the data dependencies in [The Elm Architecture] and leverages the borrow checker to keep the widget tree alive between iterations, avoiding unnecessary rebuilds.

- __[Event capturing][event]__ (#614)  
  The runtime now can tell whether a widget has handled an event or not, easing [integration with existing applications].

- __[`PickList` widget][pick_list]__ (#444)  
  A drop-down selector widget built on top of the new overlay support.

- __[`QRCode` widget][qr_code]__ (#622)  
  A widget that displays a QR code, powered by [the `qrcode` crate].

[the `qrcode` crate]:
[integration with existing applications]:
[The Elm Architecture]:

## [0.1.1] - 2020-04-15
### Added
- `Settings::with_flags` to easily initialize some default settings with flags. [#266]
- `Default` implementation for `canvas::layer::Cache`. [#267]
- `Ctrl + Del` support for `TextInput`. [#268]
- Helper methods in `canvas::Path` to easily draw lines, rectangles, and circles. [#293]
- `From<Color>` implementation for `canvas::Fill`. [#293]
- `From<String>` implementation for `canvas::Text`. [#293]
- `From<&str>` implementation for `canvas::Text`. [#293]

### Changed
- `new` method of `Radio` and `Checkbox` now take a generic `Into<String>` for the label. [#260]
- `Frame::fill` now takes a generic `Into<canvas::Fill>`. [#293]
- `Frame::stroke` now takes a generic `Into<canvas::Stroke>`. [#293]
- `Frame::fill_text` now takes a generic `Into<canvas::Text>`. [#293]

### Fixed
- Feature flags not being referenced in documentation. [#259]
- Crash in some graphics drivers when displaying an empty `Canvas`. [#278]
- Text measuring when spaces where present at the beginning of a `TextInput` value. [#279]
- `TextInput` producing a `Clip` primitive when unnecessary. [#279]
- Alignment of `Text` primitive in `iced_wgpu`. [#281]
- `CursorEntered` and `CursorLeft` not being generated. [#289]

### Removed
- Unnecessary `'static` lifetimes in `Renderer` bounds. [#290]


## [0.1.0] - 2020-04-02
### Added
- __[Event subscriptions]__ (#122)  
  A declarative way to listen to external events asynchronously by leveraging [streams].

- __[Custom styling]__ (#146)  
  A simple, trait-based approach for customizing the appearance of different widgets.

- __[`Canvas` widget]__ (#193)  
  A widget for drawing 2D graphics with an interface inspired by the [Web Canvas API] and powered by [`lyon`].

- __[`PaneGrid` widget]__ (#224)  
  A widget that dynamically organizes layout by splitting panes that can be resized and drag and dropped.

- __[`Svg` widget]__ (#111)  
  A widget that renders vector graphics on top of [`resvg`] and [`raqote`]. Thanks to @Maldela!

- __[`ProgressBar` widget]__ (#141)  
  A widget to notify progress of asynchronous tasks to your users. Thanks to @Songtronix!

- __[Configurable futures executor]__ (#164)  
  Support for plugging [`tokio`], [`async-std`], [`wasm-bindgen-futures`], or your own custom futures executor to an application.

- __[Compatibility with existing `wgpu` projects]__ (#183)  
  A bunch of improvements to the flexibility of [`iced_wgpu`] to allow integration in existing codebases.

- __[Text selection for `TextInput`]__ (#202)  
  Thanks to @FabianLars and @Finnerale!

- __[Texture atlas for `iced_wgpu`]__ (#154)  
  An atlas on top of [`guillotiere`] for batching draw calls. Thanks to @Maldela!

[Event subscriptions]:
[Custom styling]:
[`Canvas` widget]:
[`PaneGrid` widget]:
[`Svg` widget]:
[`ProgressBar` widget]:
[Configurable futures executor]:
[Compatibility with existing `wgpu` projects]:
[Clipboard access]:
[Texture atlas for `iced_wgpu`]:
[Text selection for `TextInput`]:
[Web Canvas API]:
[`iced_wgpu`]: wgpu/

## [0.1.0-beta] - 2019-11-25
### Changed
- The old `iced` becomes `iced_native`. The current `iced` crate turns into a batteries-included, cross-platform GUI library.

## [0.1.0-alpha] - 2019-09-05
### Added
- First release! :tada:
