Crate iced

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Iced is a cross-platform GUI library focused on simplicity and type-safety. Inspired by Elm.


Check out the repository and the examples for more details!


Inspired by The Elm Architecture, Iced expects you to split user interfaces into four different concepts:

  • State — the state of your application
  • Messages — user interactions or meaningful events that you care about
  • View logic — a way to display your state as widgets that may produce messages on user interaction
  • Update logic — a way to react to messages and update your state

We can build something to see how this works! Let’s say we want a simple counter that can be incremented and decremented using two buttons.

We start by modelling the state of our application:

struct Counter {
    // The counter value
    value: i32,

Next, we need to define the possible user interactions of our counter: the button presses. These interactions are our messages:

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
pub enum Message {

Now, let’s show the actual counter by putting it all together in our view logic:

use iced::widget::{button, column, text, Column};

impl Counter {
    pub fn view(&mut self) -> Column<Message> {
        // We use a column: a simple vertical layout
            // The increment button. We tell it to produce an
            // `IncrementPressed` message when pressed

            // We show the value of the counter here

            // The decrement button. We tell it to produce a
            // `DecrementPressed` message when pressed

Finally, we need to be able to react to any produced messages and change our state accordingly in our update logic:

impl Counter {
    // ...

    pub fn update(&mut self, message: Message) {
        match message {
            Message::IncrementPressed => {
                self.value += 1;
            Message::DecrementPressed => {
                self.value -= 1;

And that’s everything! We just wrote a whole user interface. Iced is now able to:

  1. Take the result of our view logic and layout its widgets.
  2. Process events from our system and produce messages for our update logic.
  3. Draw the resulting user interface.


The Application and Sandbox traits should get you started quickly, streamlining all the process described above!


pub use application::Application;
pub use settings::Settings;
pub use runtime::futures;


Align and position widgets.
Build interactive cross-platform applications.
Access the clipboard.
Handle events of a user interface.
Choose your preferred executor to power your application.
Listen and react to keyboard events.
Listen and react to mouse events.
Display interactive elements on top of other widgets.
Configure your application.
Listen to external events in your application.
Use the built-in theme and styles.
Listen and react to time.
Listen and react to touch events.
Display information and interactive controls in your application.
Configure the window of your application in native platforms.


Creates a Color with shorter and cleaner syntax.


A color in the sRGB color space.
A set of asynchronous actions to be performed by some runtime.
An amount of space to pad for each side of a box
A 2D point.
A rectangle.
An amount of space in 2 dimensions.
A 2D vector.


Alignment on the axis of a container.
The background of some element.
The strategy used to fit the contents of a widget to its bounding box.
An error that occurred while running an application.
A user interface event.
A font.
The strategy used to fill space in a specific dimension.
A built-in theme.


A type that can run futures.
A sandboxed Application.

Type Definitions

A generic widget.
A wgpu graphics renderer for iced.
The result of running an Application.
A request to listen to external events.