ical 0.1.0

Ical and Vcard parser for Rust

ical-rs 0.1.0


Build Status

This library is under heavy development. Many features are not finished.

Vcard and Ical parser for Rust. It aims to be a feature-complete parser all vcard and ical files.

  • Ical-rs strictly adheres to rfc6350.
  • Ical-rs handle Vcard version 3 and 4.

The initial goal was to make a porting of the mozilla parser from Javascript to Rust. The main logic come from this codebase, but is adapted to more Rusty.


Put this in your Cargo.toml.

ical-rs = "0.1.0"

Or, if you want rustc-serialize support, include the features like this:

ical-rs = { version = "0.1.0", features = ["rustc-serialize"] }

Then put this in your crate root:

extern crate ical;