i3gamma 0.1.0

i3gamma integrates with the i3 window manager and changes the gamma correction value depending on the focused window.
i3gamma-0.1.0 is not a library.

i3gamma — adjust gamma per-window with i3

i3gamma is a small application that integrates with the i3 window manager and changes the gamma correction value depending on the focused window. For example, in Sublime Text on XPS 13 9360, I prefer gamma 1.05, but in Team Fortress 2, the best gamma is 1.15.

i3gamma is multi-monitor aware.


Install Rust. Then:

cargo install i3gamma
cp config.toml.example ~/.config/i3/gamma.toml


i3gamma uses a simple configuration file format that specifies the default gamma value for each monitor that needs to be adjusted, and the gamma value for any window that requires customization. Windows are identified by matching window titles exactly. Monitors are identified by their XRandR output names.

default-gamma = { eDP1 = 1.05 }

title = "Team Fortress 2"
gamma = { eDP1 = 1.15 }

The path to the configuration file is provided as the command-line argument.


i3gamma does not daemonize or otherwise try to do anything special. It is suggested to run it via the desktop environment; in KDE, this can be configured by navigating to System SettingsStartup and ShutdownAutostart, clicking Add Program..., and entering ~/.cargo/bin/i3gamma ~/.config/i3/gamma.toml.


i3gamma is distributed under the terms of 0-clause BSD license.

See LICENSE-0BSD for details.