[][src]Macro i18n_embed_fl::fl

fl!() { /* proc-macro */ }

A macro to obtain localized messages, and check the message_id and arguments at compile time.

Compile time checks are performed using the fallback_language specified in the current crate's i18n.toml confiration file.

This macro supports three different calling syntaxes which are explained in the following sections.

No Arguments

fl!(loader: FluentLanguageLoader, "message_id")

This is the simplest form of the fl!() macro, just obtaining a message with no arguments. The message_id should be specified as a literal string, and is checked at compile time.


use i18n_embed::{
    fluent::{fluent_language_loader, FluentLanguageLoader},
use i18n_embed_fl::fl;
use rust_embed::RustEmbed;

#[folder = "i18n/"]
struct Localizations;

let loader: FluentLanguageLoader = fluent_language_loader!();
    .load_languages(&Localizations, &[loader.fallback_language()])

// Invoke the fl!() macro to obtain the translated message, and
// check the message id compile time.
assert_eq!("Hello World!", fl!(loader, "hello-world"));

Individual Arguments

    loader: FluentLanguageLoader,
    arg1 = value,
    arg2 = "value",
    arg3 = function(),

This form of the fl!() macro allows individual arguments to be specified in the form key = value after the message_id. key needs to be a valid literal argument name, and value can be any expression that resolves to a type that implements Into<FluentValue>. The keys will be checked at compile time to ensure that they match the arguments specified in original fluent message.


let calc_james = || "James".to_string();
    "Hello \u{2068}Bob\u{2069} and \u{2068}James\u{2069}!",
    // Invoke the fl!() macro to obtain the translated message, and
    // check the message id, and arguments at compile time.
    fl!(loader, "hello-arg-2", name1 = "Bob", name2 = calc_james())

Arguments Hashmap

    loader: FluentLanguageLoader,
    args: HashMap<
        S where S: Into<Cow<'a, str>> + Clone,
        T where T: Into<FluentValue>> + Clone>

With this form of the fl!() macro, arguments can be specified at runtime using a HashMap, using the same signature as in FluentLanguageLoader::get_args(). When using this method of specifying argments, they are not checked at compile time.


use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut args: HashMap<&str, &str> = HashMap::new();
args.insert("name", "Bob");

assert_eq!("Hello \u{2068}Bob\u{2069}!", fl!(loader, "hello-arg", args));