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This module contains types that are public and re-exported in the slint-rs as well as the slint-interpreter crate as public API.


Struct that’s used to hold weak references of a Slint component

This type represents a window towards the windowing system, that’s used to render the scene of a component. It provides API to control windowing system specific aspects such as the position on the screen.


This enum describes whether a Window is allowed to be hidden when the user tries to close the window. It is the return type of the callback provided to Window::on_close_requested.

This enum describes a low-level access to specific graphics APIs used by the renderer.

This enum describes the different rendering states, that will be provided to the parameter of the callback for set_rendering_notifier on the slint::Window.

This enum describes the different error scenarios that may occur when the applicaton registers a rendering notifier on a crate::Window.


This trait describes the common public API of a strongly referenced Slint component. It allows creating strongly-referenced clones, a conversion into/ a weak pointer as well as other convenience functions.

This trait is used to obtain references to global singletons exported in .slint markup. Alternatively, you can use ComponentHandle::global to obtain access.

Internal trait that’s used to map rendering state callbacks to either a Rust-API provided impl FnMut or a struct that invokes a C callback and implements Drop to release the closure on the C++ side.


Adds the specified function to an internal queue, notifies the event loop to wake up. Once woken up, any queued up functors will be invoked.