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Objects related to the “annotations” endpoint


Full representation of an Annotation resource and applicable relationships.

Struct to create annotations

Options to filter and sort search results. See the Hypothesis API docs for more details on using these fields

While the API accepts arbitrary Annotation selectors in the target.selector property, the Hypothesis client currently supports TextQuoteSelector, RangeSelector and TextPositionSelector selector. Hypothesis API v1.0.0

Builder for Target.

This Selector describes a range of text by recording the start and end positions of the selection in the stream. Position 0 would be immediately before the first character, position 1 would be immediately before the second character, and so on. The start character is thus included in the list, but the end character is not.

This Selector describes a range of text by copying it, and including some of the text immediately before (a prefix) and after (a suffix) it to distinguish between multiple copies of the same sequence of characters.


Error type for DocumentBuilder

Error type for InputAnnotationBuilder

Error type for SearchQueryBuilder

Many Annotations refer to part of a resource, rather than all of it, as the Target. We call that part of the resource a Segment (of Interest). A Selector is used to describe how to determine the Segment from within the Source resource. Web Annotation Data Model - Selectors

Error type for TargetBuilder