Trait hyperpom::loader::Loader

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pub trait Loader: Clone + Send {
    type LD: Clone;
    type GD: Clone;

Show 30 methods fn map(
        &mut self,
        vcpu: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<()>; fn load_testcase(
        &mut self,
        executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
        testcase: &[u8]
    ) -> Result<LoadTestcaseAction>; fn coverage_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<CoverageRange>>; fn trace_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<TraceRange>>; fn code_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<CodeRange>>; fn hooks(
        &mut self,
        _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn pre_snapshot(
        &mut self,
        _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn mutate(
        mutator: &mut Mutator,
        data: &mut Vec<u8>,
        max_size: usize,
        max_mutations: usize
    ) { ... } fn pre_exec(
        &mut self,
        _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn post_exec(
        &mut self,
        _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn format_crash(
        title: &str,
        _tc: &Testcase,
        executor: &Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
        _is_timeout: bool
    ) -> Result<String> { ... } fn reset_state(
        &mut self,
        _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>
    ) -> Result<()> { ... } fn symbols(&self) -> Result<Symbols> { ... } fn display_info(&self, info: &HyperPomInfo) { ... } fn exception_handler_sync_curel_sp0<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_irq_curel_sp0<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_fiq_curel_sp0<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_serror_curel_sp0<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_sync_curel_spx<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_irq_curel_spx<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_fiq_curel_spx<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_serror_curel_spx<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_sync_lowerel_aarch64<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_irq_lowerel_aarch64<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_fiq_lowerel_aarch64<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_serror_lowerel_aarch64<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_sync_lowerel_aarch32<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_irq_lowerel_aarch32<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_fiq_lowerel_aarch32<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... } fn exception_handler_serror_lowerel_aarch32<LD, GD>(
        _vcpu: &mut Vcpu,
        _vma: &mut VirtMemAllocator,
        _ldata: &mut LD,
        _gdata: &RwLock<GD>
    ) -> Result<ExitKind> { ... }
Expand description

The loader trait contains all the methods that can be configured and defined to fuzz a given target.

Role of the Loader Trait in the Fuzzer.

The loader trait is the main user-facing interface used to customize our fuzzer. It gives access to core components of the fuzzer, such as the virtual memory allocators or virtual CPUs, that can be used to load an arbitrary binary, define hooks and initialize the state of the CPU before starting a fuzzing campaign.

The methods defined by this trait try to reflect as best as possible all the steps of the binary’s lifetime while being fuzzed.

  • The binary is first parsed to be mapped into the virtual address space of the fuzzer using Loader::map.
  • User-defined hooks can then be applied using Loader::hooks.
  • We’ve now reached the pre-snapshot stage. The method Loader::pre_snapshot can be used to perform all the remaining operations before a snapshot of the virtual address space and the CPU state is taken. This is the step where we can call, for example, initialization functions from the binary so that we don’t have to do it every iteration.
  • From this point on, the fuzzer enters the iteration loop, whichs means that we’ll return to this step when an iteration finishes. For every iteration, the first operation will be to retrieve a testcase from the corpus, mutate it using Loader::mutate, and pass it to the Loader::load_testcase function where it can be arbitrarily loaded into the address space in order to be used by the targeted binary.
  • Every action that needs to happen after the snapshot, but before the actual execution can be defined in Loader::pre_exec.
  • Now the execution actually happens, this is the fuzzer’s job, nothing to do here. :)
  • If something needs to be cleaned-up after the execution of a testcase, you can do it using Loader::post_exec.

When a crash occurs, we break away from this lifecycle and switch over to the crash verification process. Because internal and global states can evolve while the fuzzer is active, we need to be able to control them when a testcase is replayed. If you need to reset variables that could influence crash reruns, you can do so by implementing Loader::reset_state. If it is a legitimate crash, it is formatted using Loader::format_crash and written in a file by the fuzzer.


The Target Program

To illustrate the use of the fuzzer, we’ll take the C program below as an example. Even though it is not a real-world example, it should be enough to showcase some important features of Hyperpom and how to use them.

#define MAGIC_VALUE 0xdeadbeef
#define INIT_STATE 0x0bad0d0e

/* Global state variable. */
int g_state = 0;
char g_magic_string[0x11];

void init(int magic);
int sum(char* buffer, unsigned int size);
int process(char* buffer, unsigned int size);
unsigned int strlen(const char *str);
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2);
unsigned long hex2long(const char *str);

/* The main function. */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    if (argc < 3)
        return -1;

     * Converts the first argument into a number from an hexadecimal
     * representation.
    unsigned int magic = hex2long(argv[1]);

    /* Retrieves information about the buffer and calls the process function. */
    char* buffer = argv[2];
    unsigned int size = strlen(buffer);
    return process(buffer, size);

/* Sets the global state variable to the initial state value. */
void init(int magic) {
     * The argument should be equal to the expected magic value.
     * This is mostly an excuse to show how a function can be called from the
     * fuzzer using arbitrary arguments.
    g_state = (magic == MAGIC_VALUE) ? INIT_STATE : 0;

     * The global magic string is initialized in this function so we don't need
     * to care about loading the string from the binary's data section.
    *(unsigned long*)g_magic_string = 0x7362616c61706d69;
    *(unsigned long*)(g_magic_string + 8) = 0x7362616c61706d69;
    g_magic_string[0x10] = 0;

/* Computes the sum of the bytes in `buffer`. */
int sum(char* buffer, unsigned int size) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        sum += buffer[i];
    return sum;

/* Processes the user input */
int process(char* buffer, unsigned int size) {
    /* Returns if we're not currently in the initialization state */
    if (g_state != INIT_STATE)
        return -2;

    /* Checks that the input is big enough. */
    if (size <= 24)
        return -3;

     * Pre-check verifying that the sum of the input is the expected one
     * before proceeding further. These types of functions can be arbitrarily
     * hard to pass while fuzzing, so it's better to just place a hook that
     * returns the correct value and ignore them.
    if (sum(buffer, size) != 0x9db)
        return -4;

    /* Verifies that the buffer starts with the expected input. */
    if (*(unsigned long*)buffer != 0x7362616c61706d69)
        return -5;

    /* Verifies that the buffer contains the rest of the string. */
    if (strcmp(buffer + 8, g_magic_string))
        return -6;

    /* If we managed to reach this point, crash the program. */
    *(unsigned long*)0xdeadbeefdeadbeef = 0xcafec0c0;

    return 0;

/* strlen implementation */
unsigned int strlen(const char *str) {
    const char *s = str;
    while (*s++);
    return (s - str);

/* strcmp implementation */
int strcmp(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
    unsigned char c1, c2;
    do {
        c1 = *s1++;
        c2 = *s2++;
        if (c1 == 0)
            return c1 - c2;
    } while (c1 == c2);
    return c1 - c2;

 * Converts a string that contains an hexadecimal representation of a number
 * into a 64-bit integer.
 * Equivalent to strtol(str, 0, 16).
unsigned long hex2long(const char *str) {
    unsigned long res = 0;
    char c;
    while ((c = *str++)) {
        char v = (c & 0xF) + (c >> 6) | ((c >> 3) & 0x8);
        res = (res << 4) | (unsigned long) v;
    return res;

The program in itself doesn’t do much. It is a CLI program that takes two arguments: a magic value used during the “initialization” phase and a string.

The magic value is passed as an hexadecimal string to the program and is first converted to an integer. The resulting integer is then passed to the function init where it is checked against the constant named MAGIC_VALUE. If the values match, the global variable g_state is set to INIT_STATE. g_magic_string is also initialized to impalabsimpalabs.

Then the function process is called. It takes as arguments the second string argument passed to the program as well as its size. This function performs the following operations:

  • it starts by checking if g_state is equal to INIT_STATE;
  • then it verifies that the input buffer’s length is bigger than 8 bytes;
  • afterwards it performs a checksum on the input buffer using the sum function and makes sure that the result is equal to 0x9db;
  • it dereferences the first 8 bytes of the buffer and compares them to the 64-bit magic value 0x7362616c61706d69.
  • and finally, it verifies that the remaining bytes are the same than the ones in g_magic_string.

If all these conditions are successfully met, the program will crash by dereferencing the invalid address 0xdeadbeefdeadbeef.

In the next sections, we’ll see how we can use Hyperpom to reach this crash automatically by fuzzing the function process.

Implementing the Loader

The first step will be to define an object on which we will implement the Loader trait. In our case, this object will be called SimpleLoader.

use hyperpom::config::*;
use hyperpom::core::*;
use hyperpom::coverage::*;
use hyperpom::crash::*;
use hyperpom::error::*;
use hyperpom::hooks::*;
use hyperpom::loader::*;
use hyperpom::memory::*;
use hyperpom::tracer::*;
use hyperpom::utils::*;
use hyperpom::*;

use hyperpom::applevisor as av;

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;

// Defines the global and local data structure, even though we won't use them here.
struct GlobalData;
struct LocalData;

struct SimpleLoader {
    /// The executable's name.
    executable_name: String,
    /// The content of the targeted binary.
    binary: Vec<u8>,

impl SimpleLoader {
    /// The targeted binary path.
    const BINARY_PATH: &'static str = "bin/simple_program";
    /// The program's address in memory.
    const BINARY_ADDR: u64 = 0x10_0000;
    /// The stack address.
    const STACK_ADDR: u64 = 0x1_0000_0000;
    /// The stack size.
    const STACK_SIZE: usize = 0x1000;
    /// The address in memory where the testcase should be loaded.
    const TESTCASE_ADDR: u64 = 0x20_0000;
    /// Maximum size of a testcase
    const MAX_TESTCASE_SIZE: usize = 0x20;

    /// Creates a new simple loader object.
    /// This simply retrieves the information we need about the binary. In this specific case,
    /// the binary is just composed of raw instructions, but with real-world targets, it's much
    /// more likely you'll have to parse executable formats such as Mach-O or ELF.
    fn new() -> Result<Self> {
        // Reads the binary.
        let mut file = File::open(&Self::BINARY_PATH)?;
        let mut binary = Vec::new();
        file.read_to_end(&mut binary)?;
        Ok(Self {
            executable_name: "simple_program".to_string(),
            binary: binary.to_vec(),

Nothing too fancy for the moment, when the object is instanciated, it will open the binary found at BINARY_PATH, read its content and store it into binary.

Now that we have our loader object, we can implement the Loader trait on it.

// Defines the global and local data structure, even though we won't use them here.
struct GlobalData;
struct LocalData;

impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    type LD = LocalData;
    type GD = GlobalData;

// [...]


The next step, which is optional, is to implement the function that returns the Symbols from the binary. This is particularily useful to call arbitrary functions by their name or to get a symbolized backtrace during a crash. Unfortunately, this is a pretty rare occurence when doing gray/black-box fuzzing.

impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

    // An optional step we can start with, is to define the symbols found in the binary. In
    // this specific case, it is relatively easy because there are only a few of them. On
    // larger binaries without any debug information, things get a bit more complicated.
    // Symbols are not required for the fuzzer to work, but they make things easier when we
    // want to place hooks or retrieve the address of a specific function.
    // Note: if you recompile the program, the offsets might change.
    fn symbols(&self) -> Result<Symbols> {
            Symbol::new("main", &self.executable_name, Self::BINARY_ADDR, 0x7c),
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x7c,
                0xe4 - 0x7c,
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0xe4,
                0x140 - 0xe4,
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x140,
                0x180 - 0x140,
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x180,
                0x26c - 0x180,
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x26c,
                0x2c4 - 0x26c,
                Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x2c4,
                0x340 - 0x2c4,

    // [...]

The first primary operation performed by the loader is to map the binary in memory. The implementation given below will:

  • map memory at address BINARY_ADDR and write the content of the binary file that was read when we instanciated the loader;
  • it also maps a page right after for the data section (which only contains the g_state global variable in our case).
  • it maps the region dedicated to the stack;
  • and finally, it maps the region dedicated to the testcase that will be fed to the program when we start fuzzing.
impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

    // Once our binary has been parsed and we've retrieved all the information we needed from
    // it when the loader was instanciated, we can start initializing the address space of the
    // fuzzer by mapping the binary into it.
    fn map(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>) -> Result<()> {
        // Maps memory to load the binary's instructions.
            // The mapping for the binary needs to be page-aligned.
            // The mapping size needs to be rounded up to the next page.
            round_virt_page!(self.binary.len()) as usize,
            // Since we're mapping code, the mapping is readable and executable.
        // Writes the content of the binary into the address space of the fuzzer.
        executor.vma.write(Self::BINARY_ADDR, &self.binary)?;
        // Maps the data section of the binary, which is right after the code.
            align_virt_page!(Self::BINARY_ADDR) + round_virt_page!(self.binary.len()),
            // Since we're mapping data, the mapping is readable and writable.
        // Stack mapping.
            // Since the stack grows towards the lower addresses, the highest stack address,
            // `STACK_ADDR`, is its base and we need to map it from its top, which is the
            // lowest address.
            Self::STACK_ADDR - Self::STACK_SIZE as u64,
            // The stack contains data that should not be executable and is therefore mapped as
            // read-write.
        // Finally, we reserve memory for our testcase.
            round_virt_page!(Self::MAX_TESTCASE_SIZE as u64) as usize,

    // [...]

The next step will be to define the hooks we want to apply to the target. In this example, a function we might want to hook is sum. It’s very likely going to stall the fuzzer because it expects specific inputs and it doesn’t do much apart from verifying our input values. We can simply hook it and return with the correct value to pass the condition in process, which is sum(buffer, size) == 0x9db. The second function to hook here is strcmp. If we compare two strings character by character, the fuzzer can’t tell whether 10 characters matched or just one, it only knows that the comparison instruction was hit at least once. But this feature can be implemented by the user in a hook. Here, we define strcmp_hook which updates coverage information for each character that match between both strings.

impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

   /// We can now define the hooks that we will apply to the binary.
   /// The function we might want to hook is `sum`, which is found at offset `0x26c` in the
   /// binary. It requires specific inputs to allow the program to continue and is just there
   /// as a verification system, so it doesn't hurt to simply hook it and make it return the
   /// expected value.
   /// Another function that we can hook is strcmp, found at offset `0x2c4`. Currently the
   /// fuzzer is unable to distinguish between an iteration that matched 10 characters during a
   /// string comparison or only one. This hook will add additional paths in the coverage data
   /// structure each time a new character is matched.
   fn hooks(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>) -> Result<()> {
       // We define the hook we will apply on the `sum` function at offset `0x26c` (which
       // corresponds to address self.binary_address + 0x26c once the binary is mapped).
       fn sum_hook(args: &mut HookArgs<LocalData, GlobalData>) -> Result<ExitKind> {
           // We place in the `X0` register the value we want to return, which is 0x9db.
           args.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X0, 0x9db)?;
           // We retrieve the LR register...
           let lr = args.vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::LR)?;
           // ... and set PC to it, to return from function and effectively ignore it.
           args.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, lr)?;
           // The return value of the function is set to `ExitKind::EarlyFunctionReturn`,
           // because as its name suggests, we returned from the function before it did on its
           // own. This specific value is there mostly when a crash occurs and the backtrace is
           // computed. Backtrace hooks are place on `ret` instructions to know that we've
           // returned from the function and update the backtrace accordingly. Although, when
           // we hook a function and return manually, the fuzzer can't know we've returned
           // earlier unless we tell him explicitly.
       // The hook is placed at the start of the `sum` function.
       executor.add_function_hook("sum", sum_hook)?;
       // We then define the hook we will apply on the `strcmp` function at offset `0x2c4`
       // (which corresponds to address self.binary_address + 0x2c4 once the binary is mapped).
       fn strcmp_hook(args: &mut HookArgs<LocalData, GlobalData>) -> Result<ExitKind> {
           let s1 = args.vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::X0)?;
           let s2 = args.vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::X1)?;
           let mut i = 0;
           let mut c1;
           let mut c2;
           loop {
               c1 = args.vma.read_byte(s1 + i)? as u64;
               c2 = args.vma.read_byte(s2 + i)? as u64;
               i += 1;
               if c1 == 0 || c2 == 0 || c1 != c2 {
               let pc = (i as u128) << 0x40 | args.addr as u128;
           args.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X0, c1 - c2)?;
           let lr = args.vcpu.get_reg(av::Reg::LR)?;
           args.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, lr)?;
       // The hook is placed at the start of the `strcmp` function.
       executor.add_function_hook("strcmp", strcmp_hook)?;

    // [...]

Now we enter the pre-snapshot phase, where we perform all the operations that do not have to be repeated every iteration. In this example, we:

  • set the stack address;
  • call the initialization function init to which we pass the value MAGIC_VALUE so that it sets g_state to INIT_STATE;
  • set PC to the address of the function we want to fuzz, which is process.
impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

    // Once the virtual memory space has been created and hooks have been placed, we set the
    // initial state of the target program and make it ready to be fuzzed. This is the last
    // function executed before the content of the virtual address space and the values of all
    // registers are snapshotted. Afterwards, every time the fuzzer finishes an iteration, it
    // will reset to this state.
    fn pre_snapshot(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>)
            -> Result<()> {
        // Sets SP to the base of the stack.
            .set_sys_reg(av::SysReg::SP_EL0, Self::STACK_ADDR)?;
        // We call the init function and pass the magic value to it. This will set the variable
        // `g_state` to the correct value and will allow us to go further into the `process`
        // function.
        let ret = call_func_by_addr!(executor, Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0xf4, 0xdead_beef)?;
        // We make sure that we returned from the function without a crash or another error.
        assert_eq!(ret.1, ExitKind::Exit);
        // We search for the address of the `process` function, since it will already have been
        // defined in the executor by the time this function is called.
        let process = executor
            .find(|(_, s)| & == "process")
            .map(|(_, s)| s)
        // We set the entry point of the fuzzer to the `process` function.
        executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, process.addr)?;

    // [...]

At this point, the snapshot has been taken and we enter the iteration loop. The fuzzer will pass a mutated testcase to the loader and load_testcase will be responsible for loading it in the fuzzer’s address space at the appropriate location.

Here we load it at address TESTCASE_ADDR and we set the first arguments to the testcase address and its size, respectively.

impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

    // We now enter the iteration loop where the first step is to load the testcase mutated by
    // the fuzzer.
    fn load_testcase(
        &mut self,
        executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
        testcase: &[u8],
    ) -> Result<LoadTestcaseAction> {
        // We write the content of the testcase into the fuzzer's address space.
        executor.vma.write(Self::TESTCASE_ADDR, testcase)?;
        // We also set the argument of the function to the address of the testcase and its
        // size.
        executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X0, Self::TESTCASE_ADDR)?;
        executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X1, testcase.len() as u64)?;
        // The return value of this function tells the fuzzer whether we want to discard the
        // current testcase and reset the memory and cpu state. This feature is implemented
        // because we might want to do multiple iterations with a single testcase, where we
        // consume it partially every loop, until it's empty and we want another one. This can
        // be useful for programs that rely on a state machine.

    // [...]

This example doesn’t use the Loader::pre_exec and Loader::post_exec methods, but more complex fuzzer implementations can be found on the Hyperpom’s repository. What remains is to implement the ranges where instruction, coverage and tracing hooks can be applied. In our example, only the coverage ranges are useful, because we’re not tracing anything and we didn’t place instruction hooks.

impl Loader for SimpleLoader {
    // [...]

    // This method defines the code ranges where coverage hooks can be applied.
    fn coverage_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<CoverageRange>> {
            Self::BINARY_ADDR + self.binary.len() as u64,

    // [...]

Fuzzing the Program

We’re done with the hardest part, now we just need to instanciate the fuzzer, configure it and start it!

fn main() {
    // Instanciates global and local data.
    let gdata = GlobalData;
    let ldata = LocalData;
    // Creates a loader for the target binary.
    let loader = SimpleLoader::new().expect("could not create the loader");
    // Creates a config for the fuzzer.
    let config = Config::<_, _>::builder(0x1000_0000, "tmp/work", "tmp/corpus")
        .timeout(std::time::Duration::new(60, 0))
    // Creates an instance of the fuzzer.
    let mut hp = HyperPom::<_, _, _>::new(config, loader, ldata, gdata)
        .expect("could not create fuzzer");
    // Start fuzzing!
    hp.fuzz().expect("an error occured while fuzzing");

If everything went as expected, the program should crash in a minute or two:

lyte@mini ~/simple_fuzzer > CERT_KEYCHAIN=Impalabs make run
Loading corpus...
Corpus loaded!
[00:00:52] #: 8658541 - Execs/s: 166510 - Paths: 50 - Crashes: 100 (1 uniques) - Timeouts: 0

And we should get the following crashes:

lyte@mini ~/simple_fuzzer > cat tmp/work/worker_0*/crashes/*.info

Synchronous Exception from Lower EL using AArch64

Crash Reason

EXCEPTION => [syndrome: 000000005a000008, virtual addr: 0000000000000000, physical addr: 0000000000000000]

Virtual CPU State

     X0: 0000000000000000    X1: 0000000000101004     X2: 0000000000000000     X3: 0000000000000000
     X4: 0000000000000000    X5: 0000000000000000     X6: 0000000000000000     X7: 0000000000000000
     X8: 00000000cafec0c0    X9: deadbeefdeadbeef    X10: 0000000000101000    X11: 0000000000000000
    X12: 00000000deadbeef   X13: 0000000000000000    X14: 0000000000000000    X15: 0000000000000000
    X16: 0000000000000000   X17: 0000000000000000    X18: 0000000000000000    X19: 0000000000000000
    X20: 0000000000000000   X21: 0000000000000000    X22: 0000000000000000    X23: 0000000000000000
    X24: 0000000000000000   X25: 0000000000000000    X26: 0000000000000000    X27: 0000000000000000
    X28: 0000000000000000   X29: 0000000000000000     LR: 000000000010022c     PC: ffffffffffff0404
     SP: 00000000ffffffd0
  SCTLR: 0000000030101185    SP: fffffffffffe1000
   CPSR: 00000000604003c5  SPSR: 00000000600003c0
    FAR: deadbeefdeadbeef   PAR: 0000000000000800
    ESR: 0000000092000044   ELR: 0000000000100254


simple_program  process+0xd4/0xec   [0x100254]
lyte@mini ~/simple_fuzzer > ls tmp/work/worker_0*/crashes/* | grep -v info | xargs xxd
00000000: 696d 7061 6c61 6273 696d 7061 6c61 6273  impalabsimpalabs
00000010: 696d 7061 6c61 6273 0000 0000 5b5b       impalabs....[[

Required Associated Types

Local data type.

This type is local to the fuzzing Worker instance running in a given thread. It can be used, for example, to store the state of a custom heap, to store objects that can be reused between iterations, etc.

Global data type.

This type is shared between all threads where fuzzing Workers are instanciated.

Required Methods

Responsible for mapping the binary into the fuzzer’s address space.

fn map(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>) -> Result<()> {
    // Maps memory to load the binary's instructions.
        round_virt_page!(self.binary.len()) as usize,
    // Writes the content of the binary into the address space of the fuzzer.
    executor.vma.write(Self::BINARY_ADDR, &self.binary)?;
    // Stack mapping.
        Self::STACK_ADDR - Self::STACK_SIZE as u64,
    // Finally, we reserve memory for our testcase.
        round_virt_page!(Self::MAX_TESTCASE_SIZE as u64) as usize,

Responsible for loading the mutated testcase received from the fuzzer during an iteration loop.

For programs that implement a state machine, or similar mechanisms, it might be interesting to run multiple iterations with a single testcase consumed in parts. For this purpose, the function can return a LoadTestcaseAction. It can be used to specify whether you want to keep the testcase and/or reset the state, as well as signal to the fuzzer that the current testcase is invalid and that you’d rather have a new one.

fn load_testcase(
    &mut self,
    executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
    testcase: &[u8],
) -> Result<LoadTestcaseAction> {
    // We write the content of the testcase into the fuzzer's address space.
    executor.vma.write(Self::TESTCASE_ADDR, testcase)?;
    // We also set the argument of the function to the address of the testcase and its
    // size.
    executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X0, Self::TESTCASE_ADDR)?;
    executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::X1, testcase.len() as u64)?;
    // The return value of this function tells the fuzzer whether we want to discard the
    // current testcase and reset the memory and cpu state. This feature is implemented
    // because we might want to do multiple iterations with a single testcase, where we
    // consume it partially every loop, until it's empty and we want another one. This can
    // be useful for programs that rely on a state machine.

This method defines the code ranges where coverage hooks can be applied.

fn coverage_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<CoverageRange>> {
        Self::BINARY_ADDR + self.binary.len() as u64,

This method defines the code ranges where tracing hooks can be applied.

fn trace_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<TraceRange>> {
        Self::BINARY_ADDR + self.binary.len() as u64,

This method defines the code ranges where instruction hooks can be applied.

fn code_ranges(&self) -> Result<Vec<CodeRange>> {
        Self::BINARY_ADDR + self.binary.len() as u64,

Provided Methods

Responsible for placing user-defined hooks on specific functions or instructions.

fn hooks(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>) -> Result<()> {
    // Hook placed at the start of the `sum` function.
    executor.add_function_hook("sum", sum_hook)?;

Performs all the operations necessary to setup the address space and the CPU state for snapshotting.

fn pre_snapshot(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>)
        -> Result<()> {
    // Sets SP to the base of the stack.
        .set_sys_reg(av::SysReg::SP_EL0, Self::STACK_ADDR)?;
    // Calls an initialization function with arbitrary arguments.
    let ret = call_func!(executor, "init", 0xdead_beef)?;
    // We make sure that we returned from the function without a crash or another error.
    assert_eq!(ret.1, ExitKind::Exit);
    // We set PC to the binary's entry point.
    executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, self.entry)?;

Mutates the data of a testcase taken from the corpus. A default implementation is provided, but is a bit arbitrary. You might want to redefin this method to use mutation strategies that better fit your target and your needs.

pub fn bitflip(&mut self, data: &mut Vec<u8>, _: usize) {
    /// [...]

pub fn add(&mut self, data: &mut Vec<u8>, _: usize) {
    /// [...]

pub fn sub(&mut self, data: &mut Vec<u8>, _: usize) {
    /// [...]

fn mutate(
    mutator: &mut Mutator,
    data: &mut Vec<u8>,
    max_size: usize,
    max_mutations: usize,
) {
    for _ in 0..max_mutations {
        let strat_idx = mutator.rand.u64();
        let strategy = match strat_idx % 3 {
            0 => bitflip,
            1 => add,
            2 => sub,
        strategy(mutator, data, max_size);

Performs operations before the execution of the testcase. These are operations that are dependent on the testcase (pre-processing, object creation, etc.) and that can’t be part of the snapshot.

fn pre_exec(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>)
        -> Result<ExitKind> {
    // Calls a function that operates on the current iteration's testcase.
    let ret = call_func!(
    assert_eq!(ret.1, ExitKind::Exit);
    assert_ne!(ret.0, 0);
    // Sets PC to the entry point of the target program.
    executor.vcpu.set_reg(av::Reg::PC, self.entry)?;

Performs operations after the execution of the testcase. These can be cleanup operations, resets, etc.

fn post_exec(&mut self, executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>)
        -> Result<ExitKind> {
    // Resets the state of a heap.

Formats the information after a crash into a String that is then written into a file by the fuzzer.

fn format_crash(
    title: &str,
    tc: &Testcase,
    executor: &Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
    is_timeout: bool,
) -> Result<String> {
    let mut crash_str = String::new();
    // Crash title
    writeln!(&mut crash_str, "{}", title)?;
    writeln!(&mut crash_str, "{}", "=".repeat(title.len()))?;
    writeln!(&mut crash_str)?;
    // Virtual CPU state
    writeln!(&mut crash_str, "Virtual CPU State")?;
    writeln!(&mut crash_str, "-----------------")?;
    writeln!(&mut crash_str)?;
    writeln!(&mut crash_str, "{}", executor.vcpu)?;
    // ...

Workers have internal and global states that they can change however they like throughout the fuzzer’s lifetime. However, when a crash occurs, the testcase is replayed to:

  • check if the crash is deterministic;
  • deduplicate crashes by running the testcase in the virtual address space where backtrace hooks are enabled.

This can be an issue if, for example, the original crash has changed local data and running the crash again wouldn’t work because local data are not in the specific state they were in initially. It can also be an issue when a testcase is reused across multiple iterations. If we don’t reset the worker’s internal state, calling load_testcase is going to generate the next input in the middle of the testcase instead of restarting from the beginning.

For these reasons, this method can be used to reset all variables influencing crash reruns.

fn reset_state(
    &mut self,
    _executor: &mut Executor<Self, Self::LD, Self::GD>,
) -> Result<()> {
    // Resets an internal generator that creates multiple inputs from a single testcase.
    self.current_cmd_id = 0;
    // Resets the state of a heap.

Returns the list of Symbols from the binary.

fn symbols(&self) -> Result<Symbols> {
        Symbol::new("main", &self.executable_name, Self::BINARY_ADDR, 0x100),
        Symbol::new("init", &self.executable_name, Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x100, 0x200),
        Symbol::new("process", &self.executable_name, Self::BINARY_ADDR + 0x300, 0x123),

Function called periodically by the fuzzer to display the statistics stored in an HyperPomInfo object.

fn display_info(&self, info: &HyperPomInfo) {
    println!("There are {} crashes so far!", info.nb_crashes);

Custom handler for “Synchronous Exception from Current EL with SP0”.

Custom handler for “IRQ Exception from Current EL with SP0”.

Custom handler for “FIQ Exception from Current EL with SP0”.

Custom handler for “SError Exception from Current EL with SP0”.

Custom handler for “Synchronous Exception from Current EL with SPX”.

Custom handler for “IRQ Exception from Current EL with SPX”.

Custom handler for “FIQ Exception from Current EL with SPX”.

Custom handler for “SError Exception from Current EL with SPX”.

Custom handler for “Synchronous Exception from Lower EL using AArch64”.

Custom handler for “IRQ Exception from Lower EL using AArch64”.

Custom handler for “FIQ Exception from Lower EL using AArch64”.

Custom handler for “SError Exception from Lower EL using AArch64”.

Custom handler for “Synchronous Exception from Lower EL using AArch32”.

Custom handler for “IRQ Exception from Lower EL using AArch32”.

Custom handler for “FIQ Exception from Lower EL using AArch32”.

Custom handler for “SySError Exception from Lower EL using AArch32”.
