hyperid 2.0.1-alpha.1

Superfast id generator
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hyperid-rs Rust

Superfast id generator

This is a porting of hyper written in javascript. Thanks to mcollina for that work


Add the dependency to your Cargo.toml:

hyperid = "1"


use hyperid::HyperId;

fn main() {
    let mut hyperid = HyperId::default();

    // `generate` method returns a new id every time
    let id1 = hyperid.generate();
    let id2 = hyperid.generate();

    assert_ne!(id1, id2);

    // `get` method returns the last generated id
    let id3 = hyperid.get();

    assert_eq!(id2, id3);

    // Only if `url_safe` feature is enabled
    println!("{}", id1.to_url_safe()); // prints "3ZAYYJilG7vHTqiUuaQdFg.0"


This crate borns for providing a fast id generator. Comparing with uuid crates, on my computer:

$ cargo bench
test hyperid ... bench:           9 ns/iter (+/- 1)
test uuid    ... bench:       1,657 ns/iter (+/- 148)


This crate has a feature url_safe that adds to_url_safe and from_url_safe methods.

Prepare for release

cargo release  -vv --skip-publish <version>
# wait for CI
git checkout <tag>
cargo publish


See LICENSE file