Crate hyper_serde

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This crate provides wrappers and convenience functions to make Hyper and Serde work hand in hand.

The supported types are:

  • cookie::Cookie
  • headers_ext::ContentType
  • hyper::header::Headers
  • hyper::StatusCode
  • hyper::Method
  • mime::Mime
  • time::Tm

How do I use a data type with a HeaderMap member with Serde?

Use the serde attributes deserialize_with and serialize_with.

struct MyStruct {
#[serde(deserialize_with = "hyper_serde::deserialize",
serialize_with = "hyper_serde::serialize")]
headers: HeaderMap,

How do I encode a HeaderMap value with serde_json::to_string?

Use the Ser wrapper.


How do I decode a Method value with serde_json::parse?

Use the De wrapper.


Use the Serde wrapper. It implements Deref and DerefMut for convenience.



A wrapper to deserialize Hyper types.
A wrapper to serialize Hyper types.
A convenience wrapper to be used as a type parameter, for example when a Vec<T> need to be passed to serde.


Deserialises a T value with a given deserializer.
Serialises value with a given serializer.
Serialises value with a given serializer in a pretty way.