huff 1.0.3

Example compression/decompression CLI software based on the huff_coding crate
huff-1.0.3 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: huff-1.0.6


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Example compression/decompression CLI software based on the huff_coding crate.




<DST_FILE>    [default: ./SRC_FILE.hff]


-b, --block-size <SIZE>
        Set how many bytes can be loaded from the file at one time
        Possible units: 
            K/Ki -> Kilobytes/Kibibytes
            M/Mi -> Megabytes/Mebibytes
            G/Gi -> Gigabytes/Gibibytes
         [default: 2G]


-d, --decompress    
        Decompresses the hff SRC_FILE into DST_FILE.hff
-n, --noask         
        Omits asking if should replace existing DST_FILE

-r, --replace       
        Deletes SRC_FILE upon completion

-t, --time          
        Prints how long it took to finish
-h, --help          
        Prints help information

-V, --version       
        Prints version information

File format

The hff file format is encoded as follows:

  1. A byte containing the number of bits used for padding:
    • first 4 bits store the HuffTree's padding bits
    • the remaining bits store the compressed data's padding bits
  2. 4 byte number representing the length (in bytes) of the stored HuffTree
  3. A HuffTree, used to compress the file, represented in binary (see HuffTree::try_from_bin)
  4. The actual compressed data